
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class CsvDataLoadOptions

Represents options for parsing CSV data. An instance of this class can be passed into constructors of CsvDataSource.


Constructor Description
CsvDataLoadOptions() Initializes a new instance of this class with default options.
CsvDataLoadOptions(boolean hasHeaders) Initializes a new instance of this class with specifying whether CSV data contains column names at the first line.


Method Description
hasHeaders() Gets a value indicating whether the first line of CSV data contains column names.
hasHeaders(boolean value) Sets a value indicating whether the first line of CSV data contains column names.
getDelimiter() Gets the character to be used as a column delimiter.
setDelimiter(char value) Sets the character to be used as a column delimiter.
getQuoteChar() Gets the character that is used to quote field values.
setQuoteChar(char value) Sets the character that is used to quote field values.
getCommentChar() Gets the character that is used to comment lines of CSV data.
setCommentChar(char value) Sets the character that is used to comment lines of CSV data.


public CsvDataLoadOptions()

Initializes a new instance of this class with default options.

CsvDataLoadOptions(boolean hasHeaders)

public CsvDataLoadOptions(boolean hasHeaders)

Initializes a new instance of this class with specifying whether CSV data contains column names at the first line.


Parameter Type Description
hasHeaders boolean


public boolean hasHeaders()

Gets a value indicating whether the first line of CSV data contains column names. The default value is false.

Returns: boolean - A value indicating whether the first line of CSV data contains column names.

hasHeaders(boolean value)

public void hasHeaders(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether the first line of CSV data contains column names. The default value is false.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean A value indicating whether the first line of CSV data contains column names.


public char getDelimiter()

Gets the character to be used as a column delimiter. The default value is ‘,’ (comma).

Returns: char - The character to be used as a column delimiter.

setDelimiter(char value)

public void setDelimiter(char value)

Sets the character to be used as a column delimiter. The default value is ‘,’ (comma).


Parameter Type Description
value char The character to be used as a column delimiter.


public char getQuoteChar()

Gets the character that is used to quote field values.

The default value is ‘"’ (quotation mark).

Double the character to place it into quoted text.

Returns: char - The character that is used to quote field values.

setQuoteChar(char value)

public void setQuoteChar(char value)

Sets the character that is used to quote field values.

The default value is ‘"’ (quotation mark).

Double the character to place it into quoted text.


Parameter Type Description
value char The character that is used to quote field values.


public char getCommentChar()

Gets the character that is used to comment lines of CSV data. The default value is ‘#’ (number sign).

Returns: char - The character that is used to comment lines of CSV data.

setCommentChar(char value)

public void setCommentChar(char value)

Sets the character that is used to comment lines of CSV data. The default value is ‘#’ (number sign).


Parameter Type Description
value char The character that is used to comment lines of CSV data.