
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: java.lang.Iterable

public class DocumentTableRelationCollection implements Iterable

Represents the collection of DocumentTableRelation objects of a single DocumentTableSet instance.


Method Description
add(DocumentTableColumn parentColumn, DocumentTableColumn childColumn) Creates a DocumentTableRelation object for the specified parent and child columns, and adds it to the collection.
remove(DocumentTableRelation relation) Removes the specified relation from the collection.
removeAt(int index) Removes the relation at the specified index from the collection.
clear() Clears the collection of any relations.
iterator() Returns an enumerator to iterate DocumentTableRelation objects of this collection.
contains(DocumentTableRelation relation) Returns a value indicating whether this collection contains the specified relation.
indexOf(DocumentTableRelation relation) Returns the index of the specified relation within this collection.
get(int index) Gets a DocumentTableRelation instance from the collection at the specified index.
getCount() Gets the total number of DocumentTableRelation objects in the collection.

add(DocumentTableColumn parentColumn, DocumentTableColumn childColumn)

public DocumentTableRelation add(DocumentTableColumn parentColumn, DocumentTableColumn childColumn)

Creates a DocumentTableRelation object for the specified parent and child columns, and adds it to the collection.


Parameter Type Description
parentColumn DocumentTableColumn The parent column of the relation.
childColumn DocumentTableColumn The child column of the relation.

Returns: DocumentTableRelation - The created relation.

remove(DocumentTableRelation relation)

public void remove(DocumentTableRelation relation)

Removes the specified relation from the collection.


Parameter Type Description
relation DocumentTableRelation The relation to remove.

removeAt(int index)

public void removeAt(int index)

Removes the relation at the specified index from the collection.


Parameter Type Description
index int The index of the relation to remove.


public void clear()

Clears the collection of any relations.


public Iterator iterator()

Returns an enumerator to iterate DocumentTableRelation objects of this collection.

Returns: java.util.Iterator - An enumerator to iterate DocumentTableRelation objects of this collection.

contains(DocumentTableRelation relation)

public boolean contains(DocumentTableRelation relation)

Returns a value indicating whether this collection contains the specified relation.


Parameter Type Description
relation DocumentTableRelation A relation to look for.

Returns: boolean - A value indicating whether this collection contains the specified relation.

indexOf(DocumentTableRelation relation)

public int indexOf(DocumentTableRelation relation)

Returns the index of the specified relation within this collection.


Parameter Type Description
relation DocumentTableRelation A relation to find.

Returns: int - The zero-based index of the specified relation, or -1 if the relation does not exist in this collection.

get(int index)

public DocumentTableRelation get(int index)

Gets a DocumentTableRelation instance from the collection at the specified index.


Parameter Type Description
index int The zero-based index of the relation to return.

Returns: DocumentTableRelation - A DocumentTableRelation instance from the collection at the specified index.


public int getCount()

Gets the total number of DocumentTableRelation objects in the collection.

Returns: int - The total number of DocumentTableRelation objects in the collection.