
The module provides different exceptions classes.


Class Description
ConversionNotSupportedException GroupDocs exception thrown when the conversion from source file to target file type is not supported
CorruptOrDamagedFileException GroupDocs exception thrown when the file is corrupt or damaged
FileTypeNotSupportedException GroupDocs exception thrown when the file type is not supported
FontSubstituteException Thrown if font substitute is illegal
GroupDocsConversionException GroupDocs.Conversion general exception
IncorrectPasswordException GroupDocs exception thrown when the file is password protected, password is provided but is incorrect
InvalidConvertOptionsException Thrown if provided convert options are invalid
InvalidConverterSettingsException Thrown if provided converter settings are invalid
PasswordRequiredException GroupDocs exception thrown when the file is password protected and password is not provided
SourceDocumentFactoryNotProvidedException GroupDocs exception thrown when the source document factory is not provided