
Cr2CameraSettingsPackage class

Represents Canon MakerNotes tags.

public sealed class Cr2CameraSettingsPackage : RawDictionaryBasePackage


Name Description
Cr2CameraSettingsPackage() Initializes a new instance of the Cr2CameraSettingsPackage class.


Name Description
AESetting { get; } Gets the AESetting.
AFPoint { get; } Gets the AFPoint.
CameraIso { get; } Gets the CameraIso.
CanonExposureMode { get; } Gets the CanonExposureMode.
CanonFlashMode { get; } Gets the CanonFlashMode.
CanonImageSize { get; } Gets the CanonImageSize.
ColorTone { get; } Gets the ColorTone.
ContinuousDrive { get; } Gets the ContinuousDrive.
Contrast { get; } Gets the Contrast.
Count { get; } Gets the number of metadata properties.
DigitalZoom { get; } Gets the DigitalZoom.
DisplayAperture { get; } Gets the DisplayAperture.
EasyMode { get; } Gets the EasyMode.
FlashActivity { get; } Gets the FlashActivity.
FlashBits { get; } Gets the FlashBits.
FocalUnits { get; } Gets the FocalUnits.
FocusContinuous { get; } Gets the FocusContinuous.
FocusMode { get; } Gets the FocusMode.
FocusRange { get; } Gets the FocusRange.
ImageStabilization { get; } Gets the ImageStabilization.
Item { get; } Gets the Raw tag with the specified id. (2 indexers)
Keys { get; } Gets a collection of the metadata property names.
LensType { get; } Gets the LensType.
MacroMode { get; } Gets the MacroMode.
ManualFlashOutput { get; } Gets the ManualFlashOutput.
MaxAperture { get; } Gets the MaxAperture.
MaxFocalLength { get; } Gets the MaxFocalLength.
MetadataType { get; } Gets the metadata type.
MeteringMode { get; } Gets the MeteringMode.
MinAperture { get; } Gets the MinAperture.
MinFocalLength { get; } Gets the MinFocalLength.
PhotoEffect { get; } Gets the PhotoEffect.
PropertyDescriptors { get; } Gets a collection of descriptors that contain information about properties accessible through the GroupDocs.Metadata search engine.
Quality { get; } Gets the Quality.
RecordMode { get; } Gets the RecordMode.
Saturation { get; } Gets the Saturation.
SelfTimer { get; } Gets the SelfTimer.
Sharpness { get; } Gets the Sharpness.
SpotMeteringMode { get; } Gets the SpotMeteringMode.
SRAWQuality { get; } Gets the SRAWQuality.
ZoomSourceWidth { get; } Gets the ZoomSourceWidth.
ZoomTargetWidth { get; } Gets the ZoomTargetWidth.


Name Description
virtual AddProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>, PropertyValue) Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
Clear() Removes all Raw tags stored in the package.
Contains(string) Determines whether the package contains a metadata property with the specified name.
virtual FindProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>) Finds the metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Remove(uint) Removes the property with the specified id.
virtual RemoveProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>) Removes metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate.
virtual Sanitize() Removes writable metadata properties from the package. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
Set(RawTag) Adds or replaces the specified tag.
virtual SetProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>, PropertyValue) Sets known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well. This method is a combination of AddProperties and UpdateProperties. If an existing property satisfies the predicate its value is updated. If there is a known property missing in the package that satisfies the predicate it is added to the package.
ToList() Creates a list from the package.
virtual UpdateProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>, PropertyValue) Updates known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.

See Also