Convert OTT to PDF


In today’s digital world, the ability to seamlessly convert files from one format to another is paramount. Whether you’re dealing with documents, spreadsheets, or presentations, having the right tools can make all the difference. GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET is one such tool that empowers developers to effortlessly convert various file formats using simple and efficient methods. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to convert OTT files to PDF format using GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET.


Before we dive into the conversion process, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

Install GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET

Ensure you have GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET installed in your development environment. If you haven’t already installed it, you can download the library from the download page and follow the installation instructions provided.

Import Namespaces

Before you start coding, make sure to include the required namespaces in your project. This allows you to access the classes and methods provided by GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET seamlessly.

using System;
using System.IO;
using GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Convert;

Now that we have the prerequisites covered, let’s break down the process of converting OTT to PDF into multiple steps:

Step 1: Set Output Folder and File Path

string outputFolder = "Your Document Directory";
string outputFile = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "ott-converted-to.pdf");

In this step, we define the output folder where the converted PDF file will be saved. Ensure to replace "Your Document Directory" with the desired directory path where you want to save the converted file.

Step 2: Load the Source OTT File

using (var converter = new GroupDocs.Conversion.Converter(Constants.SAMPLE_OTT))
    // Conversion logic will go here

Here, we create a new instance of the Converter class provided by GroupDocs.Conversion, passing the path of the source OTT file as a parameter (Constants.SAMPLE_OTT represents the path to the OTT file).

Step 3: Set Conversion Options

var options = new PdfConvertOptions();

In this step, we create an instance of PdfConvertOptions class to specify any additional conversion options. This allows customization of the conversion process according to specific requirements.

Step 4: Convert OTT to PDF

converter.Convert(outputFile, options);

Finally, we call the Convert method on the converter instance, passing the output file path and conversion options as parameters. This initiates the conversion process from OTT to PDF format.

Step 5: Display Conversion Status

Console.WriteLine("\nConversion to pdf completed successfully. \nCheck output in {0}", outputFolder);

After the conversion is completed, we display a success message along with the directory where the converted PDF file is saved.


In conclusion, GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET provides a simple yet powerful solution for converting OTT files to PDF format effortlessly. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this tutorial, you can seamlessly integrate file conversion functionality into your .NET applications with ease.


Q: Is GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET compatible with all .NET frameworks?

A: Yes, GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET is compatible with various .NET frameworks, including .NET Core and .NET Framework.

Q: Can I convert files other than OTT to PDF using GroupDocs.Conversion?

A: Absolutely! GroupDocs.Conversion supports a wide range of file formats for conversion, including DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, and many more.

Q: Does GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET require internet connectivity for file conversion?

A: No, GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET performs file conversions locally without the need for internet connectivity, ensuring data privacy and security.

Q: Is there a free trial available for GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET?

A: Yes, you can explore the features of GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET by accessing the free trial available here.

A: For any assistance or queries, you can visit the GroupDocs.Conversion forum here or contact support directly.