Convert PNG to PDF


In today’s digital age, efficient conversion of file formats is crucial for various applications. Whether it’s for document management, archiving, or sharing, being able to seamlessly convert files from one format to another is invaluable. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to convert PNG images to PDF documents using GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET. GroupDocs.Conversion is a powerful document conversion API that provides developers with the tools they need to effortlessly convert files between different formats.


Before we dive into the conversion process, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET SDK: Download and install the SDK from the download page. Follow the installation instructions provided to set up the SDK in your development environment.
  2. Development Environment: Have a .NET development environment set up on your machine. This can be Visual Studio or any other IDE that supports .NET development.
  3. Source PNG File: Prepare the PNG image file that you want to convert to PDF. Ensure you have the file stored in a directory accessible to your .NET application.

Import Namespaces

To begin the conversion process, make sure to import the necessary namespaces into your .NET application. These namespaces provide access to the functionalities required for file conversion.

using System;
using System.IO;
using GroupDocs.Conversion.Options.Convert;

Step 1: Define Output Folder and File Name

First, specify the output folder where the converted PDF file will be saved, and define the name of the output file.

string outputFolder = "Your Document Directory";
string outputFile = Path.Combine(outputFolder, "png-converted-to.pdf");

Replace "Your Document Directory" with the path to the directory where you want to save the converted PDF file.

Step 2: Load the Source PNG File

Next, load the source PNG file that you intend to convert to PDF using GroupDocs.Conversion.

using (var converter = new GroupDocs.Conversion.Converter(Constants.SAMPLE_PNG))
    // Conversion code will go here

Replace Constants.SAMPLE_PNG with the path to your PNG file.

Step 3: Configure Conversion Options

Configure the conversion options according to your requirements. In this case, we’ll use PdfConvertOptions for converting PNG to PDF.

var options = new PdfConvertOptions();

You can customize conversion options such as page orientation, margins, quality, etc., based on your needs.

Step 4: Perform the Conversion

Now, initiate the conversion process by calling the Convert method of the Converter object and passing the output file path along with the conversion options.

converter.Convert(outputFile, options);

This will convert the PNG image to a PDF document and save it to the specified output file path.

Step 5: Display Conversion Completion Message

Finally, inform the user that the conversion process has been completed successfully and provide the path to the output PDF file.

Console.WriteLine("\nConversion to PDF completed successfully. \nCheck output in {0}", outputFolder);

This message ensures that the user knows where to find the converted PDF file.


In conclusion, GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET provides a simple yet powerful solution for converting PNG images to PDF documents seamlessly. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can efficiently convert your PNG files to PDF format with ease, opening up a world of possibilities for document management and sharing.


Is GroupDocs.Conversion compatible with other file formats besides PNG and PDF?

Yes, GroupDocs.Conversion supports a wide range of file formats for conversion, including DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, JPG, TIFF, and more. Refer to the documentation for a full list of supported formats.

Can I customize the conversion settings according to my specific requirements?

Absolutely! GroupDocs.Conversion offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor the conversion process to meet your exact needs. You can adjust parameters such as page size, orientation, quality, and more.

Is GroupDocs.Conversion suitable for large-scale document conversion tasks?

Yes, GroupDocs.Conversion is designed to handle large-scale document conversion tasks efficiently. Its robust architecture ensures optimal performance and reliability even when dealing with a large number of files.

Does GroupDocs.Conversion provide support and assistance to developers?

Yes, GroupDocs offers comprehensive support to developers through its dedicated forum where you can ask questions, seek guidance, and interact with fellow developers.

Can I try GroupDocs.Conversion before making a purchase?

Absolutely! You can avail of a free trial of GroupDocs.Conversion by visiting the website and downloading the trial version. This allows you to explore its features and functionalities before making a decision.