Extract Tables from Document


Groupdocs.Parser for .NET is a comprehensive library that facilitates document parsing, allowing you to extract valuable information such as tables, text, metadata, and more from documents. In this tutorial, we focus specifically on extracting tables from documents using the Groupdocs.Parser API.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

  • Visual Studio installed on your system.
  • .NET Framework or .NET Core installed.
  • Basic knowledge of C# programming.

Import Namespaces

First, you need to import the necessary namespaces to access the Groupdocs.Parser classes and methods.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using GroupDocs.Parser.Data;
using GroupDocs.Parser.Options;
using GroupDocs.Parser.Templates;

Step 1: Create an Instance of Parser Class

Initialize a new instance of the Parser class by providing the path to your sample document.

using (Parser parser = new Parser("YourSampleFile.docx"))
    // Your code goes here

Step 2: Check Table Extraction Support

Verify if the document supports table extraction using the Features property of the Parser class.

if (!parser.Features.Tables)
    Console.WriteLine("Document doesn't support table extraction.");

Step 3: Define Table Layout

Define the layout of the tables you want to extract using TemplateTableLayout. Specify column widths and row heights based on your document’s structure.

TemplateTableLayout layout = new TemplateTableLayout(
    new double[] { 50, 95, 275, 415, 485, 545 },
    new double[] { 325, 340, 365, 395 });

Step 4: Set Table Extraction Options

Create PageTableAreaOptions with the defined layout to specify how tables should be extracted.

PageTableAreaOptions options = new PageTableAreaOptions(layout);

Step 5: Extract Tables

Utilize the GetTables method of the Parser class to extract tables from the document based on the specified options.

IEnumerable<PageTableArea> tables = parser.GetTables(options);

Step 6: Iterate and Access Table Data

Iterate through the extracted tables and their respective rows and columns to access cell data.

foreach (PageTableArea table in tables)
    for (int row = 0; row < table.RowCount; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < table.ColumnCount; column++)
            PageTableAreaCell cell = table[row, column];
            if (cell != null)
                Console.Write(" | ");


In this tutorial, we’ve covered how to use Groupdocs.Parser for .NET to extract tables from documents efficiently. Leveraging the capabilities of this library, you can integrate table extraction into your .NET applications seamlessly.


Can Groupdocs.Parser handle different document formats?

Yes, Groupdocs.Parser supports a wide range of document formats including DOCX, PDF, XLSX, and more.

Is there a trial version available for Groupdocs.Parser for .NET?

Yes, you can download a free trial from here.

You can visit the Groupdocs.Parser forum for assistance.

Where can I purchase a license for Groupdocs.Parser?

You can buy a license from here.

How can I obtain a temporary license for evaluation purposes?

You can obtain a temporary license here.