Search Text in Word Document by Keyword


In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use GroupDocs.Parser for .NET to search for specific text within a Word document using C#. GroupDocs.Parser is a powerful library that allows developers to extract text and metadata from various document formats, including Word documents.


Before getting started, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Development Environment: Install Visual Studio or another compatible IDE.
  2. GroupDocs.Parser Library: Download and install the GroupDocs.Parser for .NET library from the website.
  3. Sample Word Document: Prepare a sample Word document to use for text searching.

Import Namespaces

Begin by importing the necessary namespaces in your C# project:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using GroupDocs.Parser.Data;

Step 1: Create an Instance of Parser Class

First, create an instance of the Parser class by passing the path to your sample Word document.

using (Parser parser = new Parser("YourSampleFile.docx"))
    // Code goes here

Step 2: Search for a Keyword

Next, use the Search method of the Parser class to search for a specific keyword within the document.

IEnumerable<SearchResult> searchResults = parser.Search("keyword");

Replace "keyword" with the text you want to search for within the document.

Step 3: Iterate Over Search Results

Iterate over the search results using a foreach loop to access each SearchResult object.

foreach (SearchResult result in searchResults)
    // Code to handle each search result

Step 4: Access Search Result Details

Within the loop, you can access the position and text of each search result using the Position and Text properties of the SearchResult object.

foreach (SearchResult result in searchResults)
    Console.WriteLine($"At {result.Position}: {result.Text}");

This code snippet prints the index (Position) and the found text (Text) for each search result to the console.


In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to use GroupDocs.Parser for .NET to search for specific text within a Word document. This library provides a convenient way to extract and manipulate content from various document formats programmatically.


Can GroupDocs.Parser handle other document formats besides Word?

Yes, GroupDocs.Parser supports a wide range of formats, including PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, and more.

Is GroupDocs.Parser compatible with .NET Core?

Yes, GroupDocs.Parser is compatible with both .NET Framework and .NET Core.

How do I obtain a temporary license for GroupDocs.Parser?

You can request a temporary license from the GroupDocs purchase page.

Where can I find additional support or ask questions about GroupDocs.Parser?

Visit the GroupDocs.Parser forum for community support and discussions.

Can I try GroupDocs.Parser for free before purchasing?

Yes, you can download a free trial version from the GroupDocs releases page.