Adjust Page Size When Rendering Email Messages


In the realm of .NET development, GroupDocs.Viewer provides a comprehensive solution for rendering various document formats, including email messages. This tutorial focuses on adjusting page size when rendering email messages to PDF format using GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you will learn how to seamlessly manipulate the page size to meet your specific requirements.


Before diving into this tutorial, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

1. GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET Installed

Ensure you have GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET installed in your development environment. You can download it from here.

2. Basic Understanding of .NET Development

Familiarize yourself with .NET development fundamentals, including C# programming and file handling.

3. IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Have an IDE such as Visual Studio installed for writing and executing .NET code.

Import Namespaces

In your C# project, import the necessary namespaces to utilize GroupDocs.Viewer functionalities.

using System;
using System.IO;
using GroupDocs.Viewer.Options;

Step 1: Set Output Directory

Define the directory where the output PDF file will be saved.

string outputDirectory = "Your Document Directory";

Step 2: Define File Path

Combine the output directory with the output file name.

string filePath = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "output.pdf");

Step 3: Initialize Viewer Object

Create an instance of the Viewer class and specify the email message file path.

using (Viewer viewer = new Viewer(TestFiles.SAMPLE_MSG))

Step 4: Configure PDF View Options

Instantiate PdfViewOptions and set the output file path.

PdfViewOptions options = new PdfViewOptions(filePath);

Step 5: Adjust Page Size

Modify the page size property in the EmailOptions of PdfViewOptions.

options.EmailOptions.PageSize = PageSize.A4;

Step 6: Render Document

Invoke the View method of the viewer object, passing the configured PdfViewOptions.


Step 7: Display Success Message

Inform the user about the successful rendering and the output directory.

Console.WriteLine($"\nSource document rendered successfully.\nCheck output in {outputDirectory}.");


In conclusion, this tutorial has demonstrated how to adjust page size when rendering email messages to PDF format using GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can efficiently manipulate page sizes to meet your specific requirements, enhancing document viewing and management capabilities within your .NET applications.


Is GroupDocs.Viewer compatible with different email message formats?

GroupDocs.Viewer supports rendering various email message formats, including MSG and EML.

Can I customize the page size according to my preferences?

Yes, you can adjust the page size using GroupDocs.Viewer’s PdfViewOptions, offering flexibility in document rendering.

Does GroupDocs.Viewer provide support for other document formats?

Yes, GroupDocs.Viewer supports a wide range of document formats, including PDF, Microsoft Office, images, and more.

Is GroupDocs.Viewer suitable for enterprise-level applications?

Absolutely, GroupDocs.Viewer offers robust functionalities suitable for both small-scale and enterprise-level applications, ensuring efficient document rendering and management.

Where can I seek assistance or additional support for GroupDocs.Viewer?

You can visit the GroupDocs.Viewer forum here to seek assistance, ask questions, and engage with the community.