
All Implemented Interfaces:

public interface Page extends Serializable

Represents a single page that can be viewed.

The Page interface defines the contract for accessing and manipulating a single page that can be viewed in the GroupDocs.Viewer component. It provides methods to retrieve information such as the page number, size, and other properties.

Example usage:

 try (Viewer viewer = new Viewer("document.pst")) {
     final OutlookViewInfo viewInfo = (OutlookViewInfo) viewer.getViewInfo(ViewInfoOptions.forHtmlView());
     List pages = viewInfo.getPages();
     for (Page page : pages) {
         // Use the page object for further operations

Note: The default implementation of this interface is PageImpl.


Method Description
getName() Retrieves the name of the worksheet or page.
getNumber() Retrieves the page number.
isVisible() Retrieves the page visibility indicator.
getWidth() Retrieves the width of the page in pixels when viewing as JPG or PNG.
getHeight() Retrieves the height of the page in pixels when viewing as JPG or PNG.
getLines() Retrieves the lines contained in the page when viewing as JPG or PNG with enabled Text Extraction.


public abstract String getName()

Retrieves the name of the worksheet or page.

Returns: java.lang.String - the name of the worksheet or page.


public abstract int getNumber()

Retrieves the page number.

Returns: int - the page number.


public abstract boolean isVisible()

Retrieves the page visibility indicator.

Returns: boolean - the page visibility indicator.


public abstract int getWidth()

Retrieves the width of the page in pixels when viewing as JPG or PNG.

Returns: int - the width of the page.


public abstract int getHeight()

Retrieves the height of the page in pixels when viewing as JPG or PNG.

Returns: int - the height of the page.


public abstract List<Line> getLines()

Retrieves the lines contained in the page when viewing as JPG or PNG with enabled Text Extraction.

Returns: java.util.List<com.groupdocs.viewer.results.Line> - the lines contained in the page.