DiagramConvertOptions class

DiagramConvertOptions class

Options for conversion to Diagram file type.

Inheritance: DiagramConvertOptionsCommonConvertOptionsConvertOptionsValueObject

The DiagramConvertOptions type exposes the following members:


Constructor Description
init Initializes new instance of DiagramConvertOptions class.


Property Description
format Overrides the Format property to ensure it is of type DiagramFileType.
watermark Implements IWatermarkedConvertOptions.watermark
page_number Implements IPagedConvertOptions.page_number
pages_count Implements IPagedConvertOptions.pages_count
pages Implements IPageRangedConvertOptions.pages
auto_fit_page_to_drawing_content Defines whether need enlarge page to fit drawing content or not


Method Description
equals Determines whether two object instances are equal.
clone Clones current options instance.

See Also