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Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.groupdocs.editor.formats.abstraction.FormatFamilyBase, com.groupdocs.editor.formats.abstraction.DocumentFormatBase

public class SpreadsheetFormats extends DocumentFormatBase

Encapsulates all binary, XML and textual Spreadsheet formats (excluding all textual delimiter-based formats with separator like CSV, TSV, semicolon-delimited etc.), in which the workbook can be saved. Includes the following formats: Dif, Fods, Ods, Sxc, Xlam, Xls, Xlsb, Xlsm, Xlsx, Xlt, Xltm, Xltx. Learn more about Spreadsheet formats here.


Field Description
Xls Excel 97-2003 Binary File Format (XLS).
Xlt Excel 97-2003 Template (XLT).
Xlsx Office Open XML Workbook Macro-Free (XLSX).
Xlsm Office Open XML Workbook Macro-Enabled (XLSM).
Xlsb Excel Binary Workbook (XLSB).
Xltx Office Open XML Template Macro-Free (XLTX).
Xltm Office Open XML Template Macro-Enabled (XLTM).
Xlam Excel Add-in (XLAM).
SpreadsheetML SpreadsheetML \u2014 Microsoft Office Excel 2002 and Excel 2003 XML Format.
Ods OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS).
Fods Flat OpenDocument Spreadsheet (FODS).
Sxc StarOffice or OpenOffice.org Calc XML Spreadsheet (SXC).
Dif Data Interchange Format (DIF).
Csv Comma Separated Values (CSV).
Tsv Tab-Separated Values (TSV).


Method Description
getAll() Gets an enumerable collection of all SpreadsheetFormats.
fromExtension(String extension) Retrieves an instance of the specified type SpreadsheetFormats that has the specified file extension.
fromString(String extension) Converts a string representing a file extension to a SpreadsheetFormats object.


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Xls

Excel 97-2003 Binary File Format (XLS). Learn more about this file format here .


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Xlt

Excel 97-2003 Template (XLT). Learn more about this file format here .


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Xlsx

Office Open XML Workbook Macro-Free (XLSX). Learn more about this file format here .


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Xlsm

Office Open XML Workbook Macro-Enabled (XLSM). Learn more about this file format here .


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Xlsb

Excel Binary Workbook (XLSB). Learn more about this file format here .


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Xltx

Office Open XML Template Macro-Free (XLTX). Learn more about this file format here .


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Xltm

Office Open XML Template Macro-Enabled (XLTM). Learn more about this file format here .


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Xlam

Excel Add-in (XLAM).


public static final SpreadsheetFormats SpreadsheetML

SpreadsheetML \u2014 Microsoft Office Excel 2002 and Excel 2003 XML Format.


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Ods

OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS). Learn more about this file format here .


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Fods

Flat OpenDocument Spreadsheet (FODS).


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Sxc

StarOffice or OpenOffice.org Calc XML Spreadsheet (SXC).


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Dif

Data Interchange Format (DIF).


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Csv

Comma Separated Values (CSV). Learn more about this file format here .


public static final SpreadsheetFormats Tsv

Tab-Separated Values (TSV). Learn more about this file format here .


public static List<SpreadsheetFormats> getAll()

Gets an enumerable collection of all SpreadsheetFormats.

Value: An IEnumerable{SpreadsheetFormats} containing all instances of SpreadsheetFormats.

Returns: java.util.List<com.groupdocs.editor.formats.SpreadsheetFormats>

fromExtension(String extension)

public static SpreadsheetFormats fromExtension(String extension)

Retrieves an instance of the specified type SpreadsheetFormats that has the specified file extension.


Parameter Type Description
extension java.lang.String The file extension of the document format.

Returns: SpreadsheetFormats - An instance of the specified type SpreadsheetFormats with the specified file extension.

fromString(String extension)

public static SpreadsheetFormats fromString(String extension)

Converts a string representing a file extension to a SpreadsheetFormats object.


Parameter Type Description
extension java.lang.String The file extension to convert. If the extension contains multiple periods, the part after the last period is used.

Returns: SpreadsheetFormats - A SpreadsheetFormats object corresponding to the specified file extension.