
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: com.groupdocs.editor.htmlcss.resources.IResourceType

public class AudioType implements IResourceType

Represents one supportable audio type (format)


Constructor Description


Method Description
getFormalName() Formal name of this audio format
getFileExtension() Filename extension (without dot character) for this audio format
getMimeCode() MIME code for this audio format
equals(AudioType other) Determines whether this instance is equal with specified “AudioType” instance
equals(Object obj) Determines whether this instance is equal with specified uncasted object, which presumably is another “AudioType” instance
op_Equality(AudioType first, AudioType second) Checks whether two “AudioType” values are equal
op_Inequality(AudioType first, AudioType second) Checks whether two “AudioType” values are not equal
hashCode() Returns a hash-code, which is a constant number for this specific value type
getUndefined() Special value, which marks undefined, unknown or unsupported audio format
getMp3() Represents a MPEG-1 Audio Layer III audio format
parseFromFilenameWithExtension(String filename) Returns AudioType value, which is equivalent of filename extension, which is extracted from specified filename


public AudioType()


public final String getFormalName()

Formal name of this audio format

Returns: java.lang.String


public final String getFileExtension()

Filename extension (without dot character) for this audio format

Returns: java.lang.String


public final String getMimeCode()

MIME code for this audio format

Returns: java.lang.String

equals(AudioType other)

public final boolean equals(AudioType other)

Determines whether this instance is equal with specified “AudioType” instance


Parameter Type Description
other AudioType Other AudioType instance to check with this

Returns: boolean - True if are equal, false if are unequal

equals(Object obj)

public boolean equals(Object obj)

Determines whether this instance is equal with specified uncasted object, which presumably is another “AudioType” instance


Parameter Type Description
obj java.lang.Object Other instance presumably of AudioType struct, that was boxed to System.Object

Returns: boolean - True if are equal, false if are unequal

op_Equality(AudioType first, AudioType second)

public static boolean op_Equality(AudioType first, AudioType second)

Checks whether two “AudioType” values are equal


Parameter Type Description
first AudioType First AudioType to check
second AudioType Second AudioType to check

Returns: boolean - True if are equal, false if are unequal

op_Inequality(AudioType first, AudioType second)

public static boolean op_Inequality(AudioType first, AudioType second)

Checks whether two “AudioType” values are not equal


Parameter Type Description
first AudioType First AudioType to check
second AudioType Second AudioType to check

Returns: boolean - True if are equal, false if are unequal


public int hashCode()

Returns a hash-code, which is a constant number for this specific value type

Returns: int - 4-byte signed integer, 0 for Undefined value


public static AudioType getUndefined()

Special value, which marks undefined, unknown or unsupported audio format

Returns: AudioType


public static AudioType getMp3()

Represents a MPEG-1 Audio Layer III audio format

Returns: AudioType

parseFromFilenameWithExtension(String filename)

public static AudioType parseFromFilenameWithExtension(String filename)

Returns AudioType value, which is equivalent of filename extension, which is extracted from specified filename


Parameter Type Description
filename java.lang.String Arbitrary filename, can be a relative or full path

Returns: AudioType - AudioType value. Returns AudioType.Undefined, if extension cannot be recognized.