
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class Merger

Represents the main class that controls the document merging process.


Constructor Description
Merger(InputStream document) Initializes new instance of Merger class.
Merger(InputStream document, ILoadOptions loadOptions) Initializes new instance of Merger class.
Merger(InputStream document, MergerSettings settings) Initializes new instance of Merger class.
Merger(InputStream document, ILoadOptions loadOptions, MergerSettings settings) Initializes new instance of Merger class.
Merger(String filePath) Initializes new instance of Merger class.
Merger(String filePath, ILoadOptions loadOptions) Initializes new instance of Merger class.
Merger(String filePath, MergerSettings settings) Initializes new instance of Merger class.
Merger(String filePath, ILoadOptions loadOptions, MergerSettings settings) Initializes new instance of Merger class.


Method Description
dispose() Disposes resources.
importDocument(IImportDocumentOptions importDocumentOptions) Imports the document as attachment or embedded via Ole.
join(InputStream document) Joins the documents into one single document.
join(InputStream document, IJoinOptions joinOptions) Joins the documents into one single document.
join(InputStream document, IPageJoinOptions joinOptions) Joins the documents into one single document.
join(InputStream document, IImageJoinOptions joinOptions) Joins the documents into one single document.
join(String filePath) Joins the documents into one single document.
join(String filePath, IJoinOptions joinOptions) Joins the documents into one single document.
join(String filePath, IPageJoinOptions joinOptions) Joins the documents into one single document.
join(String filePath, IImageJoinOptions joinOptions) Joins the documents into one single document.
createPageBuilder() Creates a new Page builder with predefined document collection.
createPageBuilder(PageBuilderOptions pageBuilderOptions) Creates a new Page builder with predefined document collection.
applyPageBuilder(PageBuilder pageBuilder) Applies page builder changes.
split(ISplitOptions splitOptions) Splits the single document to the multiple documents.
split(ITextSplitOptions splitOptions) Splits the single document to the multiple documents.
extractPages(IExtractOptions extractOptions) Makes a new document with some pages from the source document.
addPassword(IAddPasswordOptions addPasswordOptions) Protects document with password.
isPasswordSet() Checks whether document is password protected.
removePassword() Removes password from document.
updatePassword(IUpdatePasswordOptions updatePasswordOptions) Updates existing password for document.
changeOrientation(IOrientationOptions orientationOptions) Applies a new orientation mode for the specified pages.
movePage(IMoveOptions moveOptions) Moves page to a new position within document of known format.
removePages(IRemoveOptions removeOptions) Removes pages from document of known format.
swapPages(ISwapOptions swapOptions) Swaps two pages within document of known format.
rotatePages(IRotateOptions rotateOptions) Rotate pages of the document.
getDocumentInfo() Gets information about document pages: their sizes, maximum page height, the width of a page with the maximum height.
generatePreview(IPreviewOptions previewOptions) Generates document pages preview.
save(OutputStream document) Saves the result document to the stream document .
save(String filePath) Saves the result document file to filePath .
save(String filePath, boolean useDefaultDirectory) Saves the result document file to filePath .

Merger(InputStream document)

public Merger(InputStream document)

Initializes new instance of Merger class.


Parameter Type Description
document The readable stream.

Merger(InputStream document, ILoadOptions loadOptions)

public Merger(InputStream document, ILoadOptions loadOptions)

Initializes new instance of Merger class.


Parameter Type Description
document The readable stream.
loadOptions ILoadOptions The document load options.

Merger(InputStream document, MergerSettings settings)

public Merger(InputStream document, MergerSettings settings)

Initializes new instance of Merger class.


Parameter Type Description
document The readable stream.
settings MergerSettings The Merger settings.

Merger(InputStream document, ILoadOptions loadOptions, MergerSettings settings)

public Merger(InputStream document, ILoadOptions loadOptions, MergerSettings settings)

Initializes new instance of Merger class.


Parameter Type Description
document The readable stream.
loadOptions ILoadOptions The document load options.
settings MergerSettings The Merger settings.

Merger(String filePath)

public Merger(String filePath)

Initializes new instance of Merger class.


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String The file path.

Merger(String filePath, ILoadOptions loadOptions)

public Merger(String filePath, ILoadOptions loadOptions)

Initializes new instance of Merger class.


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String The file path.
loadOptions ILoadOptions The document load options.

Merger(String filePath, MergerSettings settings)

public Merger(String filePath, MergerSettings settings)

Initializes new instance of Merger class.


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String The file path.
settings MergerSettings The Merger settings.

Merger(String filePath, ILoadOptions loadOptions, MergerSettings settings)

public Merger(String filePath, ILoadOptions loadOptions, MergerSettings settings)

Initializes new instance of Merger class.


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String The file path.
loadOptions ILoadOptions The document load options.
settings MergerSettings The Merger settings.


public final void dispose()

Disposes resources.

importDocument(IImportDocumentOptions importDocumentOptions)

public final void importDocument(IImportDocumentOptions importDocumentOptions)

Imports the document as attachment or embedded via Ole.


Parameter Type Description
importDocumentOptions IImportDocumentOptions The embedded document import options.

Learn more

[Add document to Diagram via OLE.]: |

join(InputStream document)

public final void join(InputStream document)

Joins the documents into one single document.


Parameter Type Description
document Joined document.

Learn more

  • More about document merge scenarios and use cases: [How to merge PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps][How to merge PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps]

[How to merge PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps]: |

join(InputStream document, IJoinOptions joinOptions)

public final void join(InputStream document, IJoinOptions joinOptions)

Joins the documents into one single document.


Parameter Type Description
document Joined document.
joinOptions IJoinOptions The join options.

Learn more

  • More about document merge scenarios and use cases: [How to merge PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps][How to merge PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps]

[How to merge PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps]: |

join(InputStream document, IPageJoinOptions joinOptions)

public final void join(InputStream document, IPageJoinOptions joinOptions)

Joins the documents into one single document.


Parameter Type Description
document Joined document.
joinOptions IPageJoinOptions The join options.

Learn more

  • |

join(InputStream document, IImageJoinOptions joinOptions)

public final void join(InputStream document, IImageJoinOptions joinOptions)

Joins the documents into one single document.


Parameter Type Description
document Joined document.
joinOptions IImageJoinOptions The image join options.

Learn more

  • |

join(String filePath)

public final void join(String filePath)

Joins the documents into one single document.


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String File path of the joined document.

Learn more

  • More about document merge scenarios and use cases: [How to merge PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps][How to merge PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps]

[How to merge PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps]: |

join(String filePath, IJoinOptions joinOptions)

public final void join(String filePath, IJoinOptions joinOptions)

Joins the documents into one single document.


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String File path of the joined document.
joinOptions IJoinOptions The join options.

Learn more

  • More about document merge scenarios and use cases: [How to merge PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps][How to merge PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps]

[How to merge PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents in 3 steps]: |

join(String filePath, IPageJoinOptions joinOptions)

public final void join(String filePath, IPageJoinOptions joinOptions)

Joins the documents into one single document.


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String File path of the joined document.
joinOptions IPageJoinOptions The join options.

Learn more

  • |

join(String filePath, IImageJoinOptions joinOptions)

public final void join(String filePath, IImageJoinOptions joinOptions)

Joins the documents into one single document.


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String File path of the joined document.
joinOptions IImageJoinOptions The image join options.

Learn more

  • |


public final PageBuilder createPageBuilder()

Creates a new Page builder with predefined document collection.

Returns: PageBuilder - The created page builder.

createPageBuilder(PageBuilderOptions pageBuilderOptions)

public final PageBuilder createPageBuilder(PageBuilderOptions pageBuilderOptions)

Creates a new Page builder with predefined document collection.


Parameter Type Description
pageBuilderOptions PageBuilderOptions

Returns: PageBuilder - The created page builder.

applyPageBuilder(PageBuilder pageBuilder)

public final void applyPageBuilder(PageBuilder pageBuilder)

Applies page builder changes.


Parameter Type Description
pageBuilder PageBuilder The page builder.

split(ISplitOptions splitOptions)

public final void split(ISplitOptions splitOptions)

Splits the single document to the multiple documents.


Parameter Type Description
splitOptions ISplitOptions The page split options.

Learn more

[Split text files guide]: |

split(ITextSplitOptions splitOptions)

public final void split(ITextSplitOptions splitOptions)

Splits the single document to the multiple documents.


Parameter Type Description
splitOptions ITextSplitOptions The text split options.

Learn more

[Split text files guide]: |

extractPages(IExtractOptions extractOptions)

public final void extractPages(IExtractOptions extractOptions)

Makes a new document with some pages from the source document.


Parameter Type Description
extractOptions IExtractOptions The page options.

Learn more

  • More about how to extract specific document pages or page range: [How to extract pages from PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents][How to extract pages from PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents]

[How to extract pages from PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents]: |

addPassword(IAddPasswordOptions addPasswordOptions)

public final void addPassword(IAddPasswordOptions addPasswordOptions)

Protects document with password.


Parameter Type Description
addPasswordOptions IAddPasswordOptions The options for specifying the password.

Learn more

How to remove PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents password: |


public final boolean isPasswordSet()

Checks whether document is password protected.

Returns: boolean - Returns a value indicating whether document is protected or not.

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public final void removePassword()

Removes password from document.

Learn more

updatePassword(IUpdatePasswordOptions updatePasswordOptions)

public final void updatePassword(IUpdatePasswordOptions updatePasswordOptions)

Updates existing password for document.


Parameter Type Description
updatePasswordOptions IUpdatePasswordOptions The options for specifying the current/new passwords.

Learn more

How to remove PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint documents password: |

changeOrientation(IOrientationOptions orientationOptions)

public final void changeOrientation(IOrientationOptions orientationOptions)

Applies a new orientation mode for the specified pages.


Parameter Type Description
orientationOptions IOrientationOptions The change orientation options.

Learn more

  • More about how to change orientation for Microsoft Word document pages: [How to change Microsoft Word document pages orientation][]

[How to change Microsoft Word document pages orientation]: |

movePage(IMoveOptions moveOptions)

public final void movePage(IMoveOptions moveOptions)

Moves page to a new position within document of known format.


Parameter Type Description
moveOptions IMoveOptions The move options.

Learn more

  • More about how to move page to another position within document: [How to move PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint document pages][How to move PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint document pages]

[How to move PDF_ Word_ Excel and PowerPoint document pages]: |

removePages(IRemoveOptions removeOptions)

public final void removePages(IRemoveOptions removeOptions)

Removes pages from document of known format.


Parameter Type Description
removeOptions IRemoveOptions The options for the numbers of pages to be removed.

Learn more

  • More about how to remove page from document: [How to remove page from PDF, Word, Excel or PowerPoint document][How to remove page from PDF_ Word_ Excel or PowerPoint document]

[How to remove page from PDF_ Word_ Excel or PowerPoint document]: |

swapPages(ISwapOptions swapOptions)

public final void swapPages(ISwapOptions swapOptions)

Swaps two pages within document of known format.


Parameter Type Description
swapOptions ISwapOptions The swap options.

Learn more

  • More about how to swap pages positions within document: [How to swap pages inside PDF, Word, Excel or PowerPoint document][How to swap pages inside PDF_ Word_ Excel or PowerPoint document]

[How to swap pages inside PDF_ Word_ Excel or PowerPoint document]: |

rotatePages(IRotateOptions rotateOptions)

public final void rotatePages(IRotateOptions rotateOptions)

Rotate pages of the document.


Parameter Type Description
rotateOptions IRotateOptions The options for the page rotating.

Learn more

  • More about how to rotate PDF document pages: [How to rotate PDF document pages][]

[How to rotate PDF document pages]: |


public final IDocumentInfo getDocumentInfo()

Gets information about document pages: their sizes, maximum page height, the width of a page with the maximum height.

Returns: IDocumentInfo - Information about document properties.

Learn more

generatePreview(IPreviewOptions previewOptions)

public final void generatePreview(IPreviewOptions previewOptions)

Generates document pages preview.


Parameter Type Description
previewOptions IPreviewOptions The preview options.

Learn more

  • Learn more about how to generate previews for document pages: [How to generate document pages preview using GroupDocs.Merger][]

[How to generate document pages preview using GroupDocs.Merger]: |

save(OutputStream document)

public final void save(OutputStream document)

Saves the result document to the stream document .


Parameter Type Description
document The document stream.

save(String filePath)

public final void save(String filePath)

Saves the result document file to filePath .


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String The file name or full file path.

save(String filePath, boolean useDefaultDirectory)

public final void save(String filePath, boolean useDefaultDirectory)

Saves the result document file to filePath .


Parameter Type Description
filePath java.lang.String The file path or name in case of default directory usage.
useDefaultDirectory boolean Use the default directory from settings.