
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.groupdocs.metadata.core.MetadataPackage, com.groupdocs.metadata.core.RootMetadataPackage

All Implemented Interfaces: com.groupdocs.metadata.core.IXmp

public class WavRootPackage extends RootMetadataPackage implements IXmp

Represents the root package allowing working with metadata in a WAV audio.

This code sample shows how to extract technical audio information from a WAV file.

try (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputWav)) { WavRootPackage root = metadata.getRootPackageGeneric(); if (root.getWavPackage() != null) { System.out.println(root.getWavPackage().getAudioFormat()); System.out.println(root.getWavPackage().getBitsPerSample()); System.out.println(root.getWavPackage().getBlockAlign()); System.out.println(root.getWavPackage().getByteRate()); System.out.println(root.getWavPackage().getNumberOfChannels()); System.out.println(root.getWavPackage().getSampleRate()); } }


Method Description
getXmpPackage() Gets the XMP metadata package.
setXmpPackage(XmpPacketWrapper value) Sets the XMP metadata package.
getWavPackage() Gets the WAV native metadata package.
getRiffInfoPackage() Gets the package containing RIFF Info tags.


public final XmpPacketWrapper getXmpPackage()

Gets the XMP metadata package.

Returns: XmpPacketWrapper - The XMP metadata package.

Learn more

setXmpPackage(XmpPacketWrapper value)

public final void setXmpPackage(XmpPacketWrapper value)

Sets the XMP metadata package.


Parameter Type Description
value XmpPacketWrapper The XMP metadata package.

Learn more

Working with XMP metadata: https://docs.groupdocs.com/display/metadatajava/Working+with+XMP+metadata |


public final WavPackage getWavPackage()

Gets the WAV native metadata package.

Returns: WavPackage - The WAV native metadata package.


public final RiffInfoPackage getRiffInfoPackage()

Gets the package containing RIFF Info tags.

Returns: RiffInfoPackage - The package containing RIFF Info tags.