
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.groupdocs.metadata.core.PropertyValue, com.groupdocs.metadata.core.XmpValueBase, com.groupdocs.metadata.core.XmpArray

public final class XmpLangAlt extends XmpArray

Represents XMP Language Alternative.

An alternative array of simple text items. Language alternatives facilitate the selection of a simple text item based on a desired language. Each array item shall have an xml:lang qualifier. Each xml:lang value shall be unique among the items.


Constructor Description
XmpLangAlt(String defaultValue) Initializes a new instance of the XmpLangAlt class.
XmpLangAlt(Hashtable<String,String> dictionary) Initializes a new instance of the XmpLangAlt class.


Method Description
get_Item(String language) Gets the value associated with the specified language.
getLanguages() Gets an array of all languages registered in the instance of XmpLangAlt .
contains(String language) Determines whether the XmpLangAlt contains the specified language.
getXmpRepresentation() Converts XMP value to the xml representation.

XmpLangAlt(String defaultValue)

public XmpLangAlt(String defaultValue)

Initializes a new instance of the XmpLangAlt class.


Parameter Type Description
defaultValue java.lang.String The default value.

XmpLangAlt(Hashtable<String,String> dictionary)

public XmpLangAlt(Hashtable<String,String> dictionary)

Initializes a new instance of the XmpLangAlt class.


Parameter Type Description
dictionary java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> A dictionary containing values by languages.

get_Item(String language)

public final String get_Item(String language)

Gets the value associated with the specified language.


Parameter Type Description
language java.lang.String The language. Value: String value.

Returns: java.lang.String - Value for the specified language.


public final String[] getLanguages()

Gets an array of all languages registered in the instance of XmpLangAlt .

Returns: java.lang.String[] - An array of all languages registered in the instance of XmpLangAlt .

contains(String language)

public final boolean contains(String language)

Determines whether the XmpLangAlt contains the specified language.


Parameter Type Description
language java.lang.String The language to locate in the XmpLangAlt .

Returns: boolean - True if the XmpLangAlt contains an element with the specified language; otherwise, false.


public String getXmpRepresentation()

Converts XMP value to the xml representation.

Returns: java.lang.String - Returns string representation of XMP value.