Inheritance: java.lang.Object
All Implemented Interfaces:
public class Parser implements Closeable
Represents the main class that controls text, images, container extraction and parsing functionality.
Constructor | Description |
Parser(URL url) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from an URL. |
Parser(URL url, LoadOptions loadOptions) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from an URL with loadOptions . |
Parser(URL url, ParserSettings parserSettings) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from an URL with parserSettings . |
Parser(URL url, LoadOptions loadOptions, ParserSettings parserSettings) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from an URL with loadOptions and parserSettings . |
Parser(Connection connection) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from a database. |
Parser(Connection connection, ParserSettings parserSettings) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from a database. |
Parser(EmailConnection connection) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class. |
Parser(EmailConnection connection, ParserSettings parserSettings) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class. |
Parser(String filePath) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class. |
Parser(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with LoadOptions. |
Parser(String filePath, ParserSettings parserSettings) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with ParserSettings. |
Parser(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions, ParserSettings parserSettings) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with LoadOptions and ParserSettings. |
Parser(InputStream document) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class. |
Parser(InputStream document, LoadOptions loadOptions) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with LoadOptions. |
Parser(InputStream document, ParserSettings parserSettings) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with ParserSettings. |
Parser(InputStream document, LoadOptions loadOptions, ParserSettings parserSettings) | Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with LoadOptions and ParserSettings. |
Method | Description |
getFileInfo(String filePath) | Returns the general information about a file. |
getFileInfo(InputStream document) | Returns the general information about a file. |
getFeatures() | Gets the supported features. |
generatePreview(PreviewOptions previewOptions) | Get pages preview. |
getDocumentInfo() | Returns the general information about the document. |
getText() | Extracts a text from the document. |
getText(TextOptions options) | Extracts a text page from the document using text options (to enable raw fast text extraction mode). |
getText(int pageIndex) | Extracts a text from the document page. |
getText(int pageIndex, TextOptions options) | Extracts a text from the document page using text options (to enable raw fast text extraction mode). |
getFormattedText(FormattedTextOptions options) | Extracts a formatted text from the document. |
getFormattedText(int pageIndex, FormattedTextOptions options) | Extracts a formatted text from the document page. |
search(String keyword) | Searches a keyword in the document. |
search(String keyword, SearchOptions options) | Searches a keyword in the document using search options (regular expression, match case, etc.). |
getHighlight(int position, boolean isDirect, HighlightOptions options) | Extracts a highlight from the document. |
getToc() | Extracts a table of contents from the document. |
getMetadata() | Extracts metadata from the document. |
getContainer() | Extracts a container object from the document to work with formats that contain attachments, ZIP archives etc. |
getTextAreas() | Extracts text areas from the document. |
getTextAreas(PageTextAreaOptions options) | Extracts text areas from the document using customization options (regular expression, match case, etc.). |
getTextAreas(int pageIndex) | Extracts text areas from the document page. |
getTextAreas(int pageIndex, PageTextAreaOptions options) | Extracts text areas from the document page using customization options (regular expression, match case, etc.). |
getImages() | Extracts images from the document. |
getImages(PageAreaOptions options) | Extracts images from the document using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains images). |
getImages(int pageIndex) | Extracts images from the document page. |
getImages(int pageIndex, PageAreaOptions options) | Extracts images from the document page using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains images). |
getHyperlinks() | Extracts hyperlinks from the document. |
getHyperlinks(int pageIndex) | Extracts hyperlinks from the document page. |
getHyperlinks(PageAreaOptions options) | Extracts hyperlinks from the document using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains hyperlinks). |
getHyperlinks(int pageIndex, PageAreaOptions options) | Extracts hyperlinks from the document page using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains hyperlinks). |
getBarcodes() | Extracts barcodes from the document. |
getBarcodes(int pageIndex) | Extracts barcodes from the document page. |
getBarcodes(BarcodeOptions options) | Extracts barcodes from the document using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains barcodes). |
getBarcodes(int pageIndex, BarcodeOptions options) | Extracts barcodes from the document page using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains barcodes). |
getTables(PageTableAreaOptions options) | Extracts tables from the document. |
getTables(int pageIndex, PageTableAreaOptions options) | Extracts tables from the document page. |
parseByTemplate(Template template) | Parses the document by the user-generated template. |
parsePagesByTemplate(Template template) | Parses the document pages by the user-generated template. |
parseForm() | Parses the document form. |
getStructure() | Extracts a structured text from the document. |
close() | Closes this resource, relinquishing any underlying resources. |
Parser(URL url)
public Parser(URL url)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from an URL.
Parameter | Type | Description |
url | | The URL the request is sent to |
Parser(URL url, LoadOptions loadOptions)
public Parser(URL url, LoadOptions loadOptions)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from an URL with loadOptions .
Parameter | Type | Description |
url | | The URL the request is sent to. |
loadOptions | LoadOptions | The options to open the file. |
Parser(URL url, ParserSettings parserSettings)
public Parser(URL url, ParserSettings parserSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from an URL with parserSettings .
Parameter | Type | Description |
url | | The URL the request is sent to. |
parserSettings | ParserSettings | The parser settings which are used to customize data extraction. |
Parser(URL url, LoadOptions loadOptions, ParserSettings parserSettings)
public Parser(URL url, LoadOptions loadOptions, ParserSettings parserSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from an URL with loadOptions and parserSettings .
Parameter | Type | Description |
url | | The URL the request is sent to. |
loadOptions | LoadOptions | The options to open the file. |
parserSettings | ParserSettings | The parser settings which are used to customize data extraction. |
Parser(Connection connection)
public Parser(Connection connection)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from a database.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract data from Sqlite database:
// Create DbConnection object
java.sql.Connection connection = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(String.format("jdbc:sqlite:%s", Constants.SampleDatabase));
// Create an instance of Parser class to extract tables from the database
try (Parser parser = new Parser(connection)) {
// Check if text extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isText()) {
System.out.println("Text extraction isn't supported.");
// Check if toc extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isToc()) {
System.out.println("Toc extraction isn't supported.");
// Get a list of tables
Iterable toc = parser.getToc();
// Iterate over tables
for(TocItem i : toc)
// Print the table name
// Extract a table content as a text
try(TextReader reader = parser.getText(i.getPageIndex().intValue()))
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | java.sql.Connection | The database connection. |
Parser(Connection connection, ParserSettings parserSettings)
public Parser(Connection connection, ParserSettings parserSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class to extract data from a database.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract data from Sqlite database:
// Create DbConnection object
java.sql.Connection connection = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(String.format("jdbc:sqlite:%s", Constants.SampleDatabase));
// Create an instance of Parser class to extract tables from the database
try (Parser parser = new Parser(connection)) {
// Check if text extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isText()) {
System.out.println("Text extraction isn't supported.");
// Check if toc extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isToc()) {
System.out.println("Toc extraction isn't supported.");
// Get a list of tables
Iterable toc = parser.getToc();
// Iterate over tables
for(TocItem i : toc)
// Print the table name
// Extract a table content as a text
try(TextReader reader = parser.getText(i.getPageIndex().intValue()))
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | java.sql.Connection | The database connection. |
parserSettings | ParserSettings | The parser settings which are used to customize data extraction. |
Parser(EmailConnection connection)
public Parser(EmailConnection connection)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract emails from Exchange Server:
// Create the connection object for Exchange Web Services protocol
EmailConnection connection = new EmailEwsConnection(
// Create an instance of Parser class to extract emails from the remote server
try (Parser parser = new Parser(connection)) {
// Check if container extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isContainer()) {
System.out.println("Container extraction isn't supported.");
// Extract email messages from the server
Iterable emails = parser.getContainer();
// Iterate over attachments
for (ContainerItem item : emails) {
// Create an instance of Parser class for email message
try (Parser emailParser = item.openParser()) {
// Extract the email text
try (TextReader reader = emailParser.getText()) {
// Print the email text
System.out.println(reader == null ? "Text extraction isn't supported." : reader.readToEnd());
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | EmailConnection | The email connection. |
Parser(EmailConnection connection, ParserSettings parserSettings)
public Parser(EmailConnection connection, ParserSettings parserSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract emails from Exchange Server:
// Create the connection object for Exchange Web Services protocol
EmailConnection connection = new EmailEwsConnection(
// Create an instance of Parser class to extract emails from the remote server
try (Parser parser = new Parser(connection)) {
// Check if container extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isContainer()) {
System.out.println("Container extraction isn't supported.");
// Extract email messages from the server
Iterable emails = parser.getContainer();
// Iterate over attachments
for (ContainerItem item : emails) {
// Create an instance of Parser class for email message
try (Parser emailParser = item.openParser()) {
// Extract the email text
try (TextReader reader = emailParser.getText()) {
// Print the email text
System.out.println(reader == null ? "Text extraction isn't supported." : reader.readToEnd());
Parameter | Type | Description |
connection | EmailConnection | The email connection. |
parserSettings | ParserSettings | The parser settings which are used to customize data extraction. |
Parser(String filePath)
public Parser(String filePath)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to load the document from the local disk:
// Set the filePath
String filePath = Constants.SamplePdf;
// Create an instance of Parser class with the filePath
try (Parser parser = new Parser(filePath)) {
// Extract a text into the reader
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText()) {
// Print a text from the document
// If text extraction isn't supported, a reader is null
System.out.println(reader == null ? "Text extraction isn't supported" : reader.readToEnd());
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | java.lang.String | The path to the file. |
Parser(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions)
public Parser(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with LoadOptions.
Learn more:
The document password is passed by LoadOptions class:
try {
String password = "123456";
// Create an instance of Parser class with the password:
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePassword, new LoadOptions(password))) {
// Check if text extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isText()) {
System.out.println("Text extraction isn't supported.");
// Print the document text
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText()) {
} catch (InvalidPasswordException ex) {
// Print the message if the password is incorrect or empty
System.out.println("Invalid password");
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | java.lang.String | The path to the file. |
loadOptions | LoadOptions | The options to open the file. |
Parser(String filePath, ParserSettings parserSettings)
public Parser(String filePath, ParserSettings parserSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with ParserSettings.
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | java.lang.String | The path to the file. |
parserSettings | ParserSettings | The parser settings which are used to customize data extraction. |
Parser(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions, ParserSettings parserSettings)
public Parser(String filePath, LoadOptions loadOptions, ParserSettings parserSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with LoadOptions and ParserSettings.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to receive the information via ILogger interface:
try {
// Create an instance of Logger class
Logger logger = new Logger();
// Create an instance of Parser class with the parser settings
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePassword, null, new ParserSettings(logger))) {
// Check if text extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isText()) {
System.out.println("Text extraction isn't supported.");
// Print the document text
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText()) {
} catch (InvalidPasswordException | IOException ex) {
; // Ignore the exception
class Logger implements ILogger {
public void error(String message, Exception exception) {
// Print error message
System.out.println("Error: " + message);
public void trace(String message) {
// Print event message
System.out.println("Event: " + message);
public void warning(String message) {
// Print warning message
System.out.println("Warning: " + message);
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | java.lang.String | The path to the file. |
loadOptions | LoadOptions | The options to open the file. |
parserSettings | ParserSettings | The parser settings which are used to customize data extraction. |
Parser(InputStream document)
public Parser(InputStream document)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to load the document from the stream:
// Create the stream
try (InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(Constants.SamplePdf)) {
// Create an instance of Parser class with the stream
try (Parser parser = new Parser(stream)) {
// Extract a text into the reader
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText()) {
// Print a text from the document
// If text extraction isn't supported, a reader is null
System.out.println(reader == null ? "Text extraction isn't supported" : reader.readToEnd());
Parameter | Type | Description |
document | | The source input stream. |
Parser(InputStream document, LoadOptions loadOptions)
public Parser(InputStream document, LoadOptions loadOptions)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with LoadOptions.
Learn more:
In some cases it’s necessary to define FileFormat. Both for special cases (databases, email server) and for detecting file types by the content:
// Create an instance of Parser class for markdown document
try (Parser parser = new Parser(stream, new LoadOptions(FileFormat.Markup))) {
// Check if text extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isText()) {
System.out.println("Text extraction isn't supported.");
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText()) {
// Print the document text
// Markdown is detected; text without special symbols is printed
Parameter | Type | Description |
document | | The source input stream. |
loadOptions | LoadOptions | The options to open the file. |
Parser(InputStream document, ParserSettings parserSettings)
public Parser(InputStream document, ParserSettings parserSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with ParserSettings.
Parameter | Type | Description |
document | | The source input stream. |
parserSettings | ParserSettings | The parser settings which are used to customize data extraction. |
Parser(InputStream document, LoadOptions loadOptions, ParserSettings parserSettings)
public Parser(InputStream document, LoadOptions loadOptions, ParserSettings parserSettings)
Initializes a new instance of the Parser class with LoadOptions and ParserSettings.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to receive the information via ILogger interface:
try {
// Create an instance of Logger class
Logger logger = new Logger();
// Create an instance of Parser class with the parser settings
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePassword, null, new ParserSettings(logger))) {
// Check if text extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isText()) {
System.out.println("Text extraction isn't supported.");
// Print the document text
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText()) {
} catch (InvalidPasswordException | IOException ex) {
; // Ignore the exception
class Logger implements ILogger {
public void error(String message, Exception exception) {
// Print error message
System.out.println("Error: " + message);
public void trace(String message) {
// Print event message
System.out.println("Event: " + message);
public void warning(String message) {
// Print warning message
System.out.println("Warning: " + message);
Parameter | Type | Description |
document | | The source input stream. |
loadOptions | LoadOptions | The options to open the file. |
parserSettings | ParserSettings | The parser settings which are used to customize data extraction. |
getFileInfo(String filePath)
public static FileInfo getFileInfo(String filePath)
Returns the general information about a file.
The following code shows how to check whether a file is password-protected:
// Get a file info
FileInfo info = Parser.getFileInfo(filePath);
// Check IsEncrypted property
System.out.println(info.isEncrypted() ? "Password is required" : "");
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath | java.lang.String | The path to the file. |
Returns: FileInfo - An instance of FileInfo class.
getFileInfo(InputStream document)
public static FileInfo getFileInfo(InputStream document)
Returns the general information about a file.
The following code shows how to check whether a file is password-protected:
// Get a file info
FileInfo info = Parser.getFileInfo(filePath);
// Check IsEncrypted property
System.out.println(info.isEncrypted() ? "Password is required" : "");
Parameter | Type | Description |
document | | The source input stream. |
Returns: FileInfo - An instance of FileInfo class.
public Features getFeatures()
Gets the supported features.
Learn more:
If the feature isn’t supported, the method returns null instead of the value. Some operations may consume significant time. So it’s not optimal to call the method to just check the support for the feature. For this purpose Features property is used:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleZip)) {
// Check if text extraction is supported for the document
if (!parser.getFeatures().isText()) {
System.out.println("Text extraction isn't supported");
// Extract a text from the document
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText()) {
Returns: Features - An instance of Features class that represents the supported features.
generatePreview(PreviewOptions previewOptions)
public void generatePreview(PreviewOptions previewOptions)
Get pages preview.
Parameter | Type | Description |
previewOptions | PreviewOptions | The options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation. |
public IDocumentInfo getDocumentInfo()
Returns the general information about the document.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to get document info:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleDocx)) {
// Get the document info
IDocumentInfo info = parser.getDocumentInfo();
// Print document information
System.out.println(String.format("FileType: %s", info.getFileType()));
System.out.println(String.format("PageCount: %d", info.getPageCount()));
System.out.println(String.format("Size: %d", info.getSize()));
Returns: IDocumentInfo - An instance of class that implements IDocumentInfo interface.
public TextReader getText()
Extracts a text from the document.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract a text from a document:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePdf)) {
// Extract a text into the reader
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText()) {
// Print a text from the document
// If text extraction isn't supported, a reader is null
System.out.println(reader == null ? "Text extraction isn't supported" : reader.readToEnd());
Returns: TextReader - An instance of TextReader class with the extracted text; null if text extraction isn’t supported.
getText(TextOptions options)
public TextReader getText(TextOptions options)
Extracts a text page from the document using text options (to enable raw fast text extraction mode).
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract a raw text from a document:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePdf)) {
// Extract a raw text into the reader
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText(new TextOptions(true))) {
// Print a text from the document
// If text extraction isn't supported, a reader is null
System.out.println(reader == null ? "Text extraction isn't supported" : reader.readToEnd());
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | TextOptions | The text extraction options. |
Returns: TextReader - An instance of TextReader class with the extracted text; null if text extraction isn’t supported.
getText(int pageIndex)
public TextReader getText(int pageIndex)
Extracts a text from the document page.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract a text from the document page:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePdf)) {
// Check if the document supports text extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isText()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports text extraction.");
// Get the document info
IDocumentInfo documentInfo = parser.getDocumentInfo();
// Check if the document has pages
if (documentInfo.getPageCount() == 0) {
System.out.println("Document hasn't pages.");
// Iterate over pages
for (int p = 0; p < documentInfo.getPageCount(); p++) {
// Print a page number
System.out.println(String.format("Page %d/%d", p + 1, documentInfo.getPageCount()));
// Extract a text into the reader
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText(p)) {
// Print a text from the document
// We ignore null-checking as we have checked text extraction feature support earlier
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
Returns: TextReader - An instance of TextReader class with the extracted text; null if text page extraction isn’t supported.
getText(int pageIndex, TextOptions options)
public TextReader getText(int pageIndex, TextOptions options)
Extracts a text from the document page using text options (to enable raw fast text extraction mode).
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract a raw text from the document page:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePdf)) {
// Check if the document supports text extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isText()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports text extraction.");
// Get the document info
DocumentInfo documentInfo = parser.getDocumentInfo() instanceof DocumentInfo
? (DocumentInfo) parser.getDocumentInfo()
: null;
// Check if the document has pages
if (documentInfo == null || documentInfo.getRawPageCount() == 0) {
System.out.println("Document hasn't pages.");
// Iterate over pages
for (int p = 0; p < documentInfo.getRawPageCount(); p++) {
// Print a page number
System.out.println(String.format("Page %d/%d", p + 1, documentInfo.getPageCount()));
// Extract a text into the reader
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText(p, new TextOptions(true))) {
// Print a text from the document
// We ignore null-checking as we have checked text extraction feature support earlier
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
options | TextOptions | The text extraction options. |
Returns: TextReader - An instance of TextReader class with the extracted text; null if text page extraction isn’t supported.
getFormattedText(FormattedTextOptions options)
public TextReader getFormattedText(FormattedTextOptions options)
Extracts a formatted text from the document.
Learn more:
- Extract formatted text from document
- Extract a document text as HTML
- Extract a document text as Markdown
- Extract a document text as Plain text
The following example shows how to extract a document text as HTML text:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleDocx)) {
// Extract a formatted text into the reader
try (TextReader reader = parser.getFormattedText(new FormattedTextOptions(FormattedTextMode.Html))) {
// Print a formatted text from the document
// If formatted text extraction isn't supported, a reader is null
System.out.println(reader == null ? "Formatted text extraction isn't suppported" : reader.readToEnd());
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | FormattedTextOptions | The formatted text extraction options. |
Returns: TextReader - An instance of TextReader class with the extracted text; null if formatted text extraction isn’t supported.
getFormattedText(int pageIndex, FormattedTextOptions options)
public TextReader getFormattedText(int pageIndex, FormattedTextOptions options)
Extracts a formatted text from the document page.
Learn more:
- Extract formatted text from document page
- Extract a document text as HTML
- Extract a document text as Markdown
- Extract a document text as Plain text
The following example shows how to extract a document page text as Markdown text:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleDocx)) {
// Check if the document supports formatted text extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isFormattedText()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports formatted text extraction.");
// Get the document info
IDocumentInfo documentInfo = parser.getDocumentInfo();
// Check if the document has pages
if (documentInfo.getPageCount() == 0) {
System.out.println("Document hasn't pages.");
// Iterate over pages
for (int p = 0; p < documentInfo.getPageCount(); p++) {
// Print a page number
System.out.println(String.format("Page %d/%d", p + 1, documentInfo.getPageCount()));
// Extract a formatted text into the reader
try (TextReader reader = parser.getFormattedText(p, new FormattedTextOptions(FormattedTextMode.Markdown))) {
// Print a formatted text from the document
// We ignore null-checking as we have checked formatted text extraction feature support earlier
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
options | FormattedTextOptions | The formatted text extraction options. |
Returns: TextReader - An instance of TextReader class with the extracted text; null if formatted text page extraction isn’t supported.
search(String keyword)
public Iterable<SearchResult> search(String keyword)
Searches a keyword in the document.
Learn more:
- Search text
- Search text in Microsoft Office Word documents
- Search text in Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets
- Search text in Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations
- Search text in PDF documents
- Search text in Emails
- Search text in EPUB eBooks
- Search text in HTML documents
- Search text in Microsoft OneNote sections
The following example shows how to find a keyword in a document:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePdf)) {
// Search a keyword:
Iterable sr ="lorem");
// Check if search is supported
if (sr == null) {
System.out.println("Search isn't supported");
// Iterate over search results
for (SearchResult s : sr) {
// Print an index and found text:
System.out.println(String.format("At %d: %s", s.getPosition(), s.getText()));
Parameter | Type | Description |
keyword | java.lang.String | The keyword to search. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of SearchResult objects; null if search isn’t supported.
search(String keyword, SearchOptions options)
public Iterable<SearchResult> search(String keyword, SearchOptions options)
Searches a keyword in the document using search options (regular expression, match case, etc.).
Learn more:
- Search text
- Search text in Microsoft Office Word documents
- Search text in Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets
- Search text in Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations
- Search text in PDF documents
- Search text in Emails
- Search text in EPUB eBooks
- Search text in HTML documents
- Search text in Microsoft OneNote sections
The following example shows how to search with a regular expression in a document:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePdf)) {
// Search with a regular expression with case matching
Iterable sr ="[0-9]+", new SearchOptions(true, false, true));
// Check if search is supported
if (sr == null) {
System.out.println("Search isn't supported");
// Iterate over search results
for (SearchResult s : sr) {
// Print an index and found text:
System.out.println(String.format("At %d: %s", s.getPosition(), s.getText()));
The following example shows how to search a text on pages:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePdf)) {
// Search a keyword with page numbers
Iterable sr ="lorem", new SearchOptions(false, false, false, true));
// Check if search is supported
if (sr == null) {
System.out.println("Search isn't supported");
// Iterate over search results
for (SearchResult s : sr) {
// Print an index, page number and found text:
System.out.println(String.format("At %d (%d): %s", s.getPosition(), s.getPageIndex(), s.getText()));
Parameter | Type | Description |
keyword | java.lang.String | The keyword to search. |
options | SearchOptions | The search options. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of SearchResult objects; null if search isn’t supported.
getHighlight(int position, boolean isDirect, HighlightOptions options)
public HighlightItem getHighlight(int position, boolean isDirect, HighlightOptions options)
Extracts a highlight from the document.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract a highlight that contains 3 words:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SamplePdf)) {
// Extract a highlight:
HighlightItem hl = parser.getHighlight(2, true, new HighlightOptions(10, 3));
// Check if highlight extraction is supported
if (hl == null) {
System.out.println("Highlight extraction isn't supported");
// Print an extracted highlight
System.out.println(String.format("At %d: %s", hl.getPosition(), hl.getText()));
Parameter | Type | Description |
position | int | The start position of the highlight. |
isDirect | boolean | The value that indicates whether highlight extraction is direct. true if the higlight is extracted by the right of position; otherwise, false . |
options | HighlightOptions | The highlight extraction options. |
Returns: HighlightItem - An instance of HighlightItem class that represents the extracted highlight; null if highlight extraction isn’t supported.
public Iterable<TocItem> getToc()
Extracts a table of contents from the document.
Learn more:
- Extract table of contents
- Extract text by table of contents item
- Extract table of contents from Microsoft Office Word documents
- Extract table of contents from EPUB eBooks
The following example shows how to extract table of contents from EPUB file:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleEpub)) {
// Check if text extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isText()) {
System.out.println("Text extraction isn't supported.");
// Check if toc extraction is supported
if (!parser.getFeatures().isToc()) {
System.out.println("Toc extraction isn't supported.");
// Get table of contents
Iterable toc = parser.getToc();
// Iterate over items
for (TocItem i : toc) {
// Print the Toc text
// Check if page index has a value
if (i.getPageIndex() == null) {
// Extract a page text
try (TextReader reader = parser.getText(i.getPageIndex())) {
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of table of contents items; null if table of contents extraction isn’t supported.
public Iterable<MetadataItem> getMetadata()
Extracts metadata from the document.
Learn more:
- Extract metadata from documents
- Extract metadata from Microsoft Office Word documents
- Extract metadata from Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets
- Extract metadata from Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations
- Extract metadata from PDF documents
- Extract metadata from Emails
The following example shows how to extract metadata from a document:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleDocx)) {
// Extract metadata from the document
Iterable metadata = parser.getMetadata();
// Check if metadata extraction is supported
if (metadata == null) {
System.out.println("Metatada extraction isn't supported");
// Iterate over metadata items
for (MetadataItem item : metadata) {
// Print an item name and value
System.out.println(String.format("%s: %s", item.getName(), item.getValue()));
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of metadata items; null if metadata extraction isn’t supported.
public Iterable<ContainerItem> getContainer()
Extracts a container object from the document to work with formats that contain attachments, ZIP archives etc.
Learn more:
- Extract data from attachments and ZIP archives
- Iterate through container items
- Extract attachments from PDF portfolios
- Extract attachments from Emails
- Extract emails from Outlook Storage
- Extract text from ZIP archive files
The following example shows how to extract a text from zip entities:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleZip)) {
// Extract attachments from the container
Iterable attachments = parser.getContainer();
// Check if container extraction is supported
if (attachments == null) {
System.out.println("Container extraction isn't supported");
// Iterate over zip entities
for (ContainerItem item : attachments) {
// Print the file path
try {
// Create Parser object for the zip entity content
try (Parser attachmentParser = item.openParser()) {
// Extract an zip entity text
try (TextReader reader = attachmentParser.getText()) {
System.out.println(reader == null ? "No text" : reader.readToEnd());
} catch (UnsupportedDocumentFormatException ex) {
System.out.println("Isn't supported.");
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of container items; null if container extraction isn’t supported.
public Iterable<PageTextArea> getTextAreas()
Extracts text areas from the document.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract all text areas from the whole document:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleImagesPdf)) {
// Extract text areas
Iterable areas = parser.getTextAreas();
// Check if text areas extraction is supported
if (areas == null) {
System.out.println("Page text areas extraction isn't supported");
// Iterate over page text areas
for (PageTextArea a : areas) {
// Print a page index, rectangle and text area value:
System.out.println(String.format("Page: %d, R: %s, Text: %s", a.getPage().getIndex(), a.getRectangle(), a.getText()));
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageTextArea objects; null if text areas extraction isn’t supported.
getTextAreas(PageTextAreaOptions options)
public Iterable<PageTextArea> getTextAreas(PageTextAreaOptions options)
Extracts text areas from the document using customization options (regular expression, match case, etc.).
Learn more:
The following example shows how to extract only text areas with digits from the upper-left courner:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleImagesPdf)) {
// Create the options which are used for text area extraction
PageTextAreaOptions options = new PageTextAreaOptions("\\s[a-z]{2}\\s", new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(300, 100)));
// Extract text areas which contain only digits from the upper-left corner of a page:
Iterable areas = parser.getTextAreas(options);
// Check if text areas extraction is supported
if (areas == null) {
System.out.println("Page text areas extraction isn't supported");
// Iterate over page text areas
for (PageTextArea a : areas) {
// Print a page index, rectangle and text area value:
System.out.println(String.format("Page: %d, R: %s, Text: %s", a.getPage().getIndex(), a.getRectangle(), a.getText()));
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | PageTextAreaOptions | The options for text area extraction. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageTextArea objects; null if text areas extraction isn’t supported.
getTextAreas(int pageIndex)
public Iterable<PageTextArea> getTextAreas(int pageIndex)
Extracts text areas from the document page.
Learn more:
To extract text areas from a document page the following method is used:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleImagesPdf)) {
// Check if the document supports text areas extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isTextAreas()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports text areas extraction.");
// Get the document info
IDocumentInfo documentInfo = parser.getDocumentInfo();
// Check if the document has pages
if (documentInfo.getPageCount() == 0) {
System.out.println("Document hasn't pages.");
// Iterate over pages
for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < documentInfo.getPageCount(); pageIndex++) {
// Print a page number
System.out.println(String.format("Page %d/%d", pageIndex + 1, documentInfo.getPageCount()));
// Iterate over page text areas
// We ignore null-checking as we have checked text areas extraction feature support earlier
for (PageTextArea a : parser.getTextAreas(pageIndex)) {
// Print a rectangle and text area value:
System.out.println(String.format("R: %s, Text: %s", a.getRectangle(), a.getText()));
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageTextArea objects; null if text areas extraction isn’t supported.
getTextAreas(int pageIndex, PageTextAreaOptions options)
public Iterable<PageTextArea> getTextAreas(int pageIndex, PageTextAreaOptions options)
Extracts text areas from the document page using customization options (regular expression, match case, etc.).
Learn more:
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
options | PageTextAreaOptions | The options for text area extraction. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageTextArea objects; null if text areas extraction isn’t supported.
public Iterable<PageImageArea> getImages()
Extracts images from the document.
Learn more:
- Extract images from documents
- Extract images to files
- Extract images from Microsoft Office Word documents
- Extract images from Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets
- Extract images from Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations
- Extract images from Emails
- Extract images from PDF documents
The following example shows how to extract all images from the whole document:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleImagesPdf)) {
// Extract images
Iterable images = parser.getImages();
// Check if images extraction is supported
if (images == null) {
System.out.println("Images extraction isn't supported");
// Iterate over images
for (PageImageArea image : images) {
// Print a page index, rectangle and image type:
System.out.println(String.format("Page: %d, R: %s, Type: %s", image.getPage().getIndex(), image.getRectangle(), image.getFileType()));
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageImageArea objects; null if images extraction isn’t supported.
getImages(PageAreaOptions options)
public Iterable<PageImageArea> getImages(PageAreaOptions options)
Extracts images from the document using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains images).
Learn more:
- Extract images from documents
- Extract images to files
- Extract images from document page area
- Extract images from Microsoft Office Word documents
- Extract images from Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets
- Extract images from Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations
- Extract images from Emails
- Extract images from PDF documents
The following example shows how to extract only images from the upper-left courner:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleImagesPdf)) {
// Create the options which are used for images extraction
PageAreaOptions options = new PageAreaOptions(new Rectangle(new Point(340, 150), new Size(300, 100)));
// Extract images from the upper-left corner of a page:
Iterable images = parser.getImages(options);
// Check if images extraction is supported
if (images == null) {
System.out.println("Page images extraction isn't supported");
// Iterate over images
for (PageImageArea image : images) {
// Print a page index, rectangle and image type:
System.out.println(String.format("Page: %d, R: %s, Type: %s", image.getPage().getIndex(), image.getRectangle(), image.getFileType()));
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | PageAreaOptions | The options for images extraction. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageImageArea objects; null if images extraction isn’t supported.
getImages(int pageIndex)
public Iterable<PageImageArea> getImages(int pageIndex)
Extracts images from the document page.
Learn more:
- Extract images from documents
- Extract images to files
- Extract images from document page
- Extract images from Microsoft Office Word documents
- Extract images from Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets
- Extract images from Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations
- Extract images from Emails
- Extract images from PDF documents
To extract images from a document page the following method is used:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleImagesPdf)) {
// Check if the document supports images extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isImages()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports images extraction.");
// Get the document info
IDocumentInfo documentInfo = parser.getDocumentInfo();
// Check if the document has pages
if (documentInfo.getPageCount() == 0) {
System.out.println("Document hasn't pages.");
// Iterate over pages
for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < documentInfo.getPageCount(); pageIndex++) {
// Print a page number
System.out.println(String.format("Page %d/%d", pageIndex + 1, documentInfo.getPageCount()));
// Iterate over images
// We ignore null-checking as we have checked images extraction feature support earlier
for (PageImageArea image : parser.getImages(pageIndex)) {
// Print a rectangle and image type
System.out.println(String.format("R: %s, Text: %s", image.getRectangle(), image.getFileType()));
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageImageArea objects; null if images extraction isn’t supported.
getImages(int pageIndex, PageAreaOptions options)
public Iterable<PageImageArea> getImages(int pageIndex, PageAreaOptions options)
Extracts images from the document page using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains images).
Learn more:
- Extract images from documents
- Extract images to files
- Extract images from document page
- Extract images from document page area
- Extract images from Microsoft Office Word documents
- Extract images from Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheets
- Extract images from Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations
- Extract images from Emails
- Extract images from PDF documents
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
options | PageAreaOptions | The options for images extraction. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageImageArea objects; null if images extraction isn’t supported.
public Iterable<PageHyperlinkArea> getHyperlinks()
Extracts hyperlinks from the document.
The following example shows how to extract all hyperlinks from the whole document:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(filePath)) {
// Check if the document supports hyperlink extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isHyperlinks()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports hyperlink extraction.");
// Extract hyperlinks from the document
Iterable hyperlinks = parser.getHyperlinks();
// Iterate over hyperlinks
for (PageHyperlinkArea h : hyperlinks) {
// Print the hyperlink text
// Print the hyperlink URL
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageHyperlinkArea objects; null if hyperlinks extraction isn’t supported.
getHyperlinks(int pageIndex)
public Iterable<PageHyperlinkArea> getHyperlinks(int pageIndex)
Extracts hyperlinks from the document page.
The following example shows how to extract hyperlinks from the document page:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(filePath)) {
// Check if the document supports hyperlink extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isHyperlinks()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports hyperlink extraction.");
// Get the document info
IDocumentInfo documentInfo = parser.getDocumentInfo();
// Check if the document has pages
if (documentInfo.getPageCount() == 0) {
System.out.println("Document hasn't pages.");
// Iterate over pages
for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < documentInfo.getPageCount(); pageIndex++) {
// Print a page number
System.out.println(String.format("Page %d/%d", pageIndex + 1, documentInfo.getPageCount()));
// Extract hyperlinks from the document page
Iterable hyperlinks = parser.getHyperlinks(pageIndex);
// Iterate over hyperlinks
for (PageHyperlinkArea h : hyperlinks) {
// Print the hyperlink text
// Print the hyperlink URL
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageHyperlinkArea objects; null if hyperlinks extraction isn’t supported.
getHyperlinks(PageAreaOptions options)
public Iterable<PageHyperlinkArea> getHyperlinks(PageAreaOptions options)
Extracts hyperlinks from the document using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains hyperlinks).
The following example shows how to extract hyperlinks from the document page area:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.HyperlinksPdf)) {
// Check if the document supports hyperlink extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isHyperlinks()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports hyperlink extraction.");
// Create the options which are used for hyperlink extraction
PageAreaOptions options = new PageAreaOptions(new Rectangle(new Point(380, 90), new Size(150, 50)));
// Extract hyperlinks from the document page area
Iterable hyperlinks = parser.getHyperlinks(options);
// Iterate over hyperlinks
for (PageHyperlinkArea h : hyperlinks) {
// Print the hyperlink text
// Print the hyperlink URL
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | PageAreaOptions | The options for hyperlinks extraction. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageHyperlinkArea objects; null if hyperlinks extraction isn’t supported.
getHyperlinks(int pageIndex, PageAreaOptions options)
public Iterable<PageHyperlinkArea> getHyperlinks(int pageIndex, PageAreaOptions options)
Extracts hyperlinks from the document page using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains hyperlinks).
The following example shows how to extract hyperlinks from the document page area using customization options:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(filePath)) {
// Check if the document supports hyperlink extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isHyperlinks()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports hyperlink extraction.");
// Get the document info
IDocumentInfo documentInfo = parser.getDocumentInfo();
// Check if the document has pages
if (documentInfo.getPageCount() == 0) {
System.out.println("Document hasn't pages.");
// Create the options which are used for hyperlink extraction
PageAreaOptions options = new PageAreaOptions(new Rectangle(new Point(380, 90), new Size(150, 50)));
// Iterate over pages
for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < documentInfo.getPageCount(); pageIndex++) {
// Print a page number
System.out.println(String.format("Page %d/%d", pageIndex + 1, documentInfo.getPageCount()));
// Extract hyperlinks from the document page
Iterable hyperlinks = parser.getHyperlinks(pageIndex, options);
// Iterate over hyperlinks
for (PageHyperlinkArea h : hyperlinks) {
// Print the hyperlink text
// Print the hyperlink URL
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
options | PageAreaOptions | The options for hyperlinks extraction. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageHyperlinkArea objects; null if hyperlinks extraction isn’t supported.
public Iterable<PageBarcodeArea> getBarcodes()
Extracts barcodes from the document.
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageBarcodeArea objects; null if barcodes extraction isn’t supported.
getBarcodes(int pageIndex)
public Iterable<PageBarcodeArea> getBarcodes(int pageIndex)
Extracts barcodes from the document page.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageBarcodeArea objects; null if barcodes extraction isn’t supported.
getBarcodes(BarcodeOptions options)
public Iterable<PageBarcodeArea> getBarcodes(BarcodeOptions options)
Extracts barcodes from the document using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains barcodes).
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | BarcodeOptions | The options for barcodes extraction. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageBarcodeArea objects; null if barcodes extraction isn’t supported.\
getBarcodes(int pageIndex, BarcodeOptions options)
public Iterable<PageBarcodeArea> getBarcodes(int pageIndex, BarcodeOptions options)
Extracts barcodes from the document page using customization options (to set the rectangular area that contains barcodes).
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
options | BarcodeOptions | The options for barcodes extraction. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageBarcodeArea objects; null if barcodes extraction isn’t supported.
getTables(PageTableAreaOptions options)
public Iterable<PageTableArea> getTables(PageTableAreaOptions options)
Extracts tables from the document.
The following example shows how to extract tables from the whole document:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(filePath)) {
// Check if the document supports table extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isTables()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports tables extraction.");
// Create the layout of tables
TemplateTableLayout layout = new TemplateTableLayout(
java.util.Arrays.asList(new Double[]{50.0, 95.0, 275.0, 415.0, 485.0, 545.0}),
java.util.Arrays.asList(new Double[]{325.0, 340.0, 365.0, 395.0}));
// Create the options for table extraction
PageTableAreaOptions options = new PageTableAreaOptions(layout);
// Extract tables from the document
Iterable tables = parser.getTables(options);
// Iterate over tables
for (PageTableArea t : tables) {
// Iterate over rows
for (int row = 0; row < t.getRowCount(); row++) {
// Iterate over columns
for (int column = 0; column < t.getColumnCount(); column++) {
// Get the table cell
PageTableAreaCell cell = t.getCell(row, column);
if (cell != null) {
// Print the table cell text
System.out.print(" | ");
Parameter | Type | Description |
options | PageTableAreaOptions | The options for tables extraction. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageTableArea objects; null if tables extraction isn’t supported.
getTables(int pageIndex, PageTableAreaOptions options)
public Iterable<PageTableArea> getTables(int pageIndex, PageTableAreaOptions options)
Extracts tables from the document page.
The following example shows how to extract tables from the document page:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleInvoicePagesPdf)) {
// Check if the document supports table extraction
if (!parser.getFeatures().isTables()) {
System.out.println("Document isn't supports tables extraction.");
// Create the layout of tables
TemplateTableLayout layout = new TemplateTableLayout(
java.util.Arrays.asList(new Double[]{50.0, 95.0, 275.0, 415.0, 485.0, 545.0}),
java.util.Arrays.asList(new Double[]{325.0, 340.0, 365.0, 395.0}));
// Create the options for table extraction
PageTableAreaOptions options = new PageTableAreaOptions(layout);
// Get the document info
IDocumentInfo documentInfo = parser.getDocumentInfo();
// Check if the document has pages
if (documentInfo.getPageCount() == 0) {
System.out.println("Document hasn't pages.");
// Iterate over pages
for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < documentInfo.getPageCount(); pageIndex++) {
// Print a page number
System.out.println(String.format("Page %d/%d", pageIndex + 1, documentInfo.getPageCount()));
// Extract tables from the document page
Iterable tables = parser.getTables(pageIndex, options);
// Iterate over tables
for (PageTableArea t : tables) {
// Iterate over rows
for (int row = 0; row < t.getRowCount(); row++) {
// Iterate over columns
for (int column = 0; column < t.getColumnCount(); column++) {
// Get the table cell
PageTableAreaCell cell = t.getCell(row, column);
if (cell != null) {
// Print the table cell text
System.out.print(" | ");
Parameter | Type | Description |
pageIndex | int | The zero-based page index. |
options | PageTableAreaOptions | The options for tables extraction. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of PageTableArea objects; null if tables extraction isn’t supported.
parseByTemplate(Template template)
public DocumentData parseByTemplate(Template template)
Parses the document by the user-generated template.
Learn more:
- Parse data from documents
- Working with templates
- Working with data extracted by template
- Parse data from PDF documents
Parameter | Type | Description |
template | Template | The user-generated template. |
Returns: DocumentData - An instance of DocumentData class that contains the extracted data; null if parsing by template isn’t supported.
parsePagesByTemplate(Template template)
public Iterable<DocumentPageData> parsePagesByTemplate(Template template)
Parses the document pages by the user-generated template.
Parameter | Type | Description |
template | Template | The user-generated template. |
Returns: java.lang.Iterable<> - A collection of DocumentPageData objects that contains the extracted data; null if parsing by template isn’t supported.
public DocumentData parseForm()
Parses the document form.
Learn more:
The following example shows how to parse a form of the document:
// Create an instance of Parser class
try (Parser parser = new Parser(Constants.SampleFormsPdf)) {
// Extract data from PDF document
DocumentData data = parser.parseForm();
// Check if form extraction is supported
if (data == null) {
System.out.println("Form extraction isn't supported.");
// Iterate over extracted data
for (int i = 0; i < data.getCount(); i++) {
System.out.print(data.get(i).getName() + ": ");
PageTextArea area = data.get(i).getPageArea() instanceof PageTextArea
? (PageTextArea) data.get(i).getPageArea()
: null;
System.out.println(area == null ? "Not a template field" : area.getText());
Returns: DocumentData - An instance of DocumentData class that contains the extracted data; null if parsing by template isn’t supported.
public Document getStructure()
Extracts a structured text from the document.
Learn more:
Returns: org.w3c.dom.Document - An instance of org.w3c.dom.Document class with XML text structure; null if text structure extraction isn’t supported.
public void close()
Closes this resource, relinquishing any underlying resources.