
The package provides classes to specify additional options when parsing data from documents.


Class Description
BarcodeOptions Provides the options which are used for barcode extraction.
DocumentInfo Represents the document information.
EmailConnection Represents the email connection information.
EmailEwsConnection Represents the email connection information for EWS protocol.
EmailImapConnection Represents the email connection information for IMAP protocol.
EmailPopConnection Represents the email connection information for POP protocol.
ExternalResourceHandler Provides a handler for external resources loading.
ExternalResourceLoadingArgs Provides the data for ExternalResourceHandler.#onLoading(ExternalResourceLoadingArgs) method.
Features Represents the supported features list.
FileInfo Represents the file information.
FileType Represents the file type.
FormattedTextOptions Provides the options which are used for formatted text extraction.
HighlightOptions Provides the options which are used to extract a highlight (a block of text aroud found text in search scenarios).
ImageOptions Provides the options which are used for image extraction.
LoadOptions Provides the options which are used to open a file.
OcrConnectorBase Provides the OCR functionality.
OcrEventHandler Provides a handler for OCR events.
OcrOptions Provides the options which are used for OCR Connector.
PageAreaOptions Provides the options which are used for page areas extraction.
PageInfo Represents the document page information.
PageRenderInfo Represents the information of how a page is rendered.
PageTableAreaOptions Provides the options which are used for page table areas extraction.
PageTextAreaOptions Provides the options which are used for page text areas extraction.
ParserSettings Provides the settings which are used to customize data extraction.
PreviewOptions Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation.
SearchOptions Provides the options which are used for text search.
TextDocumentInfo Represents the text document information.
TextOptions Provides the options which are used for text extraction.


Interface Description
ICreatePageStream Represents a delegate that returns a stream to write page preview data.
IDocumentInfo Represents the document information.
ILogger Defines the interface of a logger that is used for logging events and errors during data extraction.
IPreviewPageRender Represents a method which is called before a document page is rendered.
IReleasePageStream Represents a method which releases the stream created by the ICreatePageStream delegate.


Enum Description
FileFormat Defines a type of the file.
FileTypeDetectionMode Defines a mode of the file type detection.
FormattedTextMode Defines a formatted text mode.
ImageFormat Defines a format of the image.
PreviewFormats Represents supported preview formats.
QualityMode Defines a level of the quality.