AttributeChangeBatch |
Represents a container for attribute changes. |
Cancellation |
Represents an object for requesting cancellation of an operation. |
ChunkSearchToken |
Represents a token for the continuation of the chunk search (search by pages). |
CustomExtractorCollection |
Contains a collection of custom extractors. If the collection contains an extractor for some file extension that is covered by build-in extractors, then this extractor will be used instead of built-in one. |
Document |
Represents the base class for documents added to an index from file system, stream, or structure. Contains static methods for creating documents from different types of sources. |
DocumentField |
Represents a document field data. |
DocumentImage |
Represents a document image data. |
Encodings |
Contains names of possible encodings. |
ExtractedData |
Represents data retrieved from a document and prepared for indexing. |
ExtractedItemInfo |
Represents a container item information. |
ExtractorSettings |
Contains settings for the document data extractor. |
FileLogger |
Represents a logger that logs events and errors to a local file. |
FileOutputAdapter |
Represents an output adapter that collects output into a file. |
FragmentContainer |
Represents a container for text fragments with highlighted found terms of one document field. |
ImageFrame |
Represents an image frame. |
IndexInfo |
Contains basic information on an Index. |
IndexingReport |
Represents a detailed information on an indexing operation. |
Notification |
The base class for all notifications to the index. This class also contains methods for creating notification objects. |
OutputAdapter |
Represents the base class of an output adapter that is used to collect an output in a generalized form. The currently available adapters are FileOutputAdapter , StreamOutputAdapter , StructureOutputAdapter , and StringOutputAdapter . |
ResultBuilderFactory |
Represents the base class of a result builder factory. |
SearchImage |
Represents an image to search. |
SearchReport |
Represents a detailed information on a search operation. |
StreamOutputAdapter |
Represents an output adapter that collects output into a Stream. |
StringOutputAdapter |
Represents an output adapter that collects output as a String. |
StructureOutputAdapter |
Represents an output adapter that collects output as a structure containing each field separately. |
WordPattern |
Represents a word pattern to use in word wildcard search. |