Class DefaultPortionState

DefaultPortionState class

The default state representation for a single text fragment (portion) in the presentation slides

public class DefaultPortionState


Name Description
DefaultPortionState() The default constructor.


Name Description
FillType { get; set; } The fill type
FontBold { get; set; } Indicates if the font is bold
FontColor { get; set; } The font color
FontFamily { get; set; } The font family
FontHeight { get; set; } The font height
FontItalic { get; set; } Indicates if the font is italic
HighlightColor { get; set; } The highlight color
PortionText { get; set; } The text of the portion
Spacing { get; set; } The spacing
StrikeoutType { get; set; } The strikeout type
UnderlineType { get; set; } The underline type
Url { get; set; } The URL associated with the portion

See Also