
The com.groupdocs.editor.htmlcss.css.datatypes namespace provides classes that represent CSS data types.


Class Description
ArgbColor Represents one color value in ARGB format with converters and serializers
ArgbColor.KnownColors Contains all “known colors”, that have fixed unique name and value in CSS standart
ArgbColor.KnownColors.CssLevel1 Named colors, specified in the CSS level 1.
ArgbColor.KnownColors.CssLevel2 Named colors, specified in the CSS level 2.
ArgbColor.KnownColors.CssLevel3 Named colors, specified in the CSS Colors level 3.
ArgbColor.KnownColors.CssLevel4 Named colors, specified in the CSS Colors level 4.
Length Represents a CSS length value in any supportable unit, including percentage and unitless type.
Length.Unit All supported length units
Ratio Represents a “ratio” CSS data type, which is used for describing aspect ratios in media queries and for raster images by denoting the proportion between two unitless values called “numerator” and “denominator”.


Interface Description
ICssDataType Common interface for all CSS data types, which are used in the CSS properties