
Inheritance: java.lang.Object,,

All Implemented Interfaces: com.groupdocs.editor.htmlcss.css.datatypes.ICssDataType

public class ArgbColor extends Struct<ArgbColor> implements ICssDataType

Represents one color value in ARGB format with converters and serializers

This type is designed to be useful for (but not limited to) CSS operations. See more:


Constructor Description


Method Description
fromRgba(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha) Creates one ArgbColor value from specified Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha channels
fromRgb(int red, int green, int blue) Creates one ArgbColor value from specified Red, Green, Blue channels, while Alpha channel is fully opaque
fromSingleValueRgb(byte value) Creates a fully opaque (A=255) color from single value, which will be applied to all channels
fromColor(Color color) Creates one ArgbColor value from specified Color
getValue() Gets the Int32 value of the color.
getA() Gets the alpha part of the color.
getAlpha() Gets the alpha part of the color in percent (0..1).
getR() Gets the red part of the color.
getG() Gets the green part of the color.
getB() Gets the blue part of the color.
isEmpty() Uninitialized color - all 4 channels are set to 0.
isDefault() Indicates whether this ArgbColor instance is default (Transparent) - all 4 channels are set to 0
isFullyTransparent() Indicates whether this ArgbColor instance is fully transparent - its Alpha channel has the min (0) value, so other R, G, and B channels has no visible effect.
isTranslucent() Indicates whether this ArgbColor instance is translucent (not fully transparent, but also not fully opaque)
isFullyOpaque() Indicates whether this ArgbColor instance is fully opaque, without transparency (its Alpha channel has max value)
toSystemColor() Converts a value of this ArgbColor instance to the Color instance and returns it
toRGBA() Serializes this ArgbColor instance to the ‘rgba’ CSS function notation
toRGB() Serializes this ArgbColor instance to the ‘rgb’ CSS function notation
serializeDefault() Serializes this ArgbColor instance to the most appropriate CSS function notation depending on translucency
toString() Same as #serializeDefault.serializeDefault
op_Equality(ArgbColor left, ArgbColor right) Compares two colors and returns a boolean indicating if the two do match.
op_Inequality(ArgbColor left, ArgbColor right) Compares two colors and returns a boolean indicating if the two do not match.
equals(ArgbColor other) Checks two ArgbColor colors for equality
equals(ICssDataType other) Checks two ArgbColor colors for equality
equals(Object other) Tests if another object is equal to this ArgbColor instance.
hashCode() Returns a hash code that defines the current color.


public ArgbColor()

fromRgba(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)

public static ArgbColor fromRgba(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha)

Creates one ArgbColor value from specified Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha channels


Parameter Type Description
red int Red channel value
green int Green channel value
blue int Blue channel value
alpha int Alpha channel value

Returns: ArgbColor - New ArgbColor value

fromRgb(int red, int green, int blue)

public static ArgbColor fromRgb(int red, int green, int blue)

Creates one ArgbColor value from specified Red, Green, Blue channels, while Alpha channel is fully opaque


Parameter Type Description
red int Red channel value
green int Green channel value
blue int Blue channel value

Returns: ArgbColor - New ArgbColor value

fromSingleValueRgb(byte value)

public static ArgbColor fromSingleValueRgb(byte value)

Creates a fully opaque (A=255) color from single value, which will be applied to all channels


Parameter Type Description
value byte A byte value, same for Red, Green, and Blue channels

Returns: ArgbColor - New ArgbColor instance

fromColor(Color color)

public static ArgbColor fromColor(Color color)

Creates one ArgbColor value from specified Color


Parameter Type Description
color java.awt.Color

Returns: ArgbColor -


public final int getValue()

Gets the Int32 value of the color.

Returns: int


public final int getA()

Gets the alpha part of the color.

Returns: int


public final double getAlpha()

Gets the alpha part of the color in percent (0..1).

Returns: double


public final int getR()

Gets the red part of the color.

Returns: int


public final int getG()

Gets the green part of the color.

Returns: int


public final int getB()

Gets the blue part of the color.

Returns: int


public final boolean isEmpty()

Uninitialized color - all 4 channels are set to 0. Same as Default and Transparent.

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isDefault()

Indicates whether this ArgbColor instance is default (Transparent) - all 4 channels are set to 0

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isFullyTransparent()

Indicates whether this ArgbColor instance is fully transparent - its Alpha channel has the min (0) value, so other R, G, and B channels has no visible effect.

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isTranslucent()

Indicates whether this ArgbColor instance is translucent (not fully transparent, but also not fully opaque)

Returns: boolean


public final boolean isFullyOpaque()

Indicates whether this ArgbColor instance is fully opaque, without transparency (its Alpha channel has max value)

Returns: boolean


public final Color toSystemColor()

Converts a value of this ArgbColor instance to the Color instance and returns it

Returns: Color - New Color instance


public final String toRGBA()

Serializes this ArgbColor instance to the ‘rgba’ CSS function notation

Returns: java.lang.String - A string with ‘rgba(r, g, b, a)’ format


public final String toRGB()

Serializes this ArgbColor instance to the ‘rgb’ CSS function notation

Returns: java.lang.String - A string with ‘rgb(r, g, b)’ format


public final String serializeDefault()

Serializes this ArgbColor instance to the most appropriate CSS function notation depending on translucency

Returns: java.lang.String - A string with ‘rgba(r, g, b, a)’ or ‘rgb(r, g, b)’ format


public String toString()

Same as #serializeDefault.serializeDefault

Returns: java.lang.String - Same return value as in #serializeDefault.serializeDefault

op_Equality(ArgbColor left, ArgbColor right)

public static boolean op_Equality(ArgbColor left, ArgbColor right)

Compares two colors and returns a boolean indicating if the two do match.


Parameter Type Description
left ArgbColor The first color to use.
right ArgbColor The second color to use.

Returns: boolean - True if both colors are equal, otherwise false.

op_Inequality(ArgbColor left, ArgbColor right)

public static boolean op_Inequality(ArgbColor left, ArgbColor right)

Compares two colors and returns a boolean indicating if the two do not match.


Parameter Type Description
left ArgbColor The first color to use.
right ArgbColor The second color to use.

Returns: boolean - True if both colors are not equal, otherwise false.

equals(ArgbColor other)

public final boolean equals(ArgbColor other)

Checks two ArgbColor colors for equality


Parameter Type Description
other ArgbColor The other ArgbColor color

Returns: boolean - True if both colors or equal, otherwise false.

equals(ICssDataType other)

public final boolean equals(ICssDataType other)

Checks two ArgbColor colors for equality


Parameter Type Description
other ICssDataType The other ArgbColor color, casted to the ICssDataType

Returns: boolean - True if both colors or equal, otherwise false.

equals(Object other)

public boolean equals(Object other)

Tests if another object is equal to this ArgbColor instance.


Parameter Type Description
other java.lang.Object The object to test with.

Returns: boolean - True if the two objects are equal, otherwise false.


public int hashCode()

Returns a hash code that defines the current color.

Returns: int - The integer value of the hashcode.