
QuoteType structure

Represents quote characters - single quote (’) and double quote (")

public struct QuoteType : IEquatable<QuoteType>


Name Description
Character { get; } Character to enquote
Code { get; } Code point of the current character (U+0027 or U+0022)
HtmlEncoded { get; } HTML-encoded character


Name Description
override Equals(object) Indicates whether this instance of the quote type is equal to specified uncasted
Equals(QuoteType) Indicates whether this instance of the quote type is equal to specified
override GetHashCode() Returns a hash-code for this character
override ToString() Returns a “SingleQuote” or “DoubleQuote” string depending on the current value
operator == Checks whether two “QuoteType” values are equal
explicit operator Casts specified QuoteType instance to the Char (2 operators)
operator != Checks whether two “QuoteType” values are not equal


Name Description
static readonly DoubleQuote Double quote (U+0022 QUOTATION MARK character)
static readonly SingleQuote Single quote (U+0027 APOSTROPHE character)

See Also