
FormFieldManager.FixInvalidFormFieldNames method

Fixes invalid form field names in the document by applying specified updates or automatically generating unique names.

public void FixInvalidFormFieldNames(IEnumerable<InvalidFormField> updateInvalidFormFieldNames)
Parameter Type Description
updateInvalidFormFieldNames IEnumerable`1 A collection of updates for invalid form field names. Each update contains the original name of the form field and its corresponding new name. If left empty, invalid form field names will be automatically renamed to ensure uniqueness.


The FixInvalidFormFieldNames method resolves naming conflicts or inconsistencies within the form fields of the document by applying updates specified in the updateInvalidFormFieldNames collection, or automatically generating unique names if the collection is empty. This method is useful when certain form field names are invalid or conflicting with other elements in the document, and need to be corrected to ensure proper functionality. ; ;

See Also