Class Annotator

Annotator class

The ‘Annotator’ class is the central component of the GroupDocs.Annotation API, designed to manage and facilitate the document annotation process across various formats. It offers a streamlined interface for applying diverse annotation types, making it the primary tool for integrating annotation functionality.

public class Annotator : IDisposable


Name Description
Annotator(Stream) Initialise annotator class which accept document stream
Annotator(string) Initialise annotator class which accept document path
Annotator(Stream, AnnotatorSettings) Initialise annotator class which accept document stream and settings
Annotator(Stream, LoadOptions) Initialise annotator class which accept document stream and options
Annotator(string, AnnotatorSettings) Initialise annotator class which accept document path and settings
Annotator(string, LoadOptions) Initialise annotator class which accept document path and options
Annotator(Stream, LoadOptions, AnnotatorSettings) Initialise annotator class which accept document stream, options and settings
Annotator(string, LoadOptions, AnnotatorSettings) Initialise annotator class which accept document path, options and settings


Name Description
Document { get; } Contains various information about the uploaded document
ProcessPages { get; set; } Count of processed pages
Rotation { get; set; } Specifies document rotation angle


Name Description
Add(AnnotationBase) Adds annotation to document
Add(List<AnnotationBase>) Adds collection of annotations to a document.
Dispose() Dispose
ExportAnnotationsFromXMLFile(string) Export annotations from XML file.
Get() Gets collections of document annotations.
Get(AnnotationType) Gets collection of document annotations by annotation type.
GetVersion(object) Get annotations from versions.
GetVersionsList() Get versions.
ImportAnnotationsFromDocument(string) Import annotations from document to XML file.
Remove(AnnotationBase) Removes annotation from the document.
Remove(int) Removes annotation from annotations list by Id.
Remove(List<AnnotationBase>) Removes collection of annotations from document.
Remove(List<int>) Removes collection of annotations from document by provided annotation ids.
Save() Saves document after adding, updating or removing annotations.
Save(SaveOptions) Saves document after adding, updating or removing annotations.
Save(Stream) Saves document after adding, updating or removing annotations.
Save(string) Saves document after adding, updating or removing annotations.
Save(Stream, SaveOptions) Saves document after adding, updating or removing annotations.
Save(string, SaveOptions) Saves document after adding, updating or removing annotations.
Update(AnnotationBase) Updates document annotation by id.
Update(List<AnnotationBase>) Updates collection of document annotations by overriding the previous list with a new one


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