
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class ExternalResourceLoadingArgs

Provides the data for ExternalResourceHandler.onLoading(ExternalResourceLoadingArgs) method.


Constructor Description
ExternalResourceLoadingArgs(String uri) Initializes a new instance of the ExternalResourceLoadingArgs class with rectangular area.


Method Description
getUri() Gets the URI of the external resource.
setUri(String uri) Gets the URI of the external resource.
isSkipped() Gets the value that indicates whether the loading of the external resource must be skipped.
setSkipped(boolean skipped) Sets the value that indicates whether the loading of the external resource must be skipped.
getData() Gets the user data.
setData(byte[] data) Sets the user data.

ExternalResourceLoadingArgs(String uri)

public ExternalResourceLoadingArgs(String uri)

Initializes a new instance of the ExternalResourceLoadingArgs class with rectangular area.


Parameter Type Description
uri java.lang.String URI of the external resource.


public String getUri()

Gets the URI of the external resource.

Returns: java.lang.String - A string value that represents URI of the external resource.

setUri(String uri)

public void setUri(String uri)

Gets the URI of the external resource.


Parameter Type Description
uri java.lang.String A string value that represents a new URI of the external resource.


public boolean isSkipped()

Gets the value that indicates whether the loading of the external resource must be skipped.

Returns: boolean - true if the loading of the external resource must be skipped; otherwise, false.

setSkipped(boolean skipped)

public void setSkipped(boolean skipped)

Sets the value that indicates whether the loading of the external resource must be skipped.


Parameter Type Description
skipped boolean true if the loading of the external resource must be skipped; otherwise, false.


public byte[] getData()

Gets the user data.

Returns: byte[] - The byte array with the user content of the external resource. null if isn’t set.

setData(byte[] data)

public void setData(byte[] data)

Sets the user data.


Parameter Type Description
data byte[] The byte array with the user content of the external resource. null if isn’t set.