The package provides classes of event arguments.


Class Description
BaseIndexEventArgs Represents the base class of event arguments.
Event This class is intended to be inherited when subscribing to events.
EventHandler Represents the base class of an event handler.
EventHub Provides index events for subscribing.
EventHubBase The base abstract class for event hubs.
FileIndexingEventArgs Represents arguments for the event of a document indexing start.
ImagePreparingEventArgs Represents arguments for the event of an image preparing start.
IndexErrorEventArgs Represents arguments for the event of index error occurred.
OperationFinishedEventArgs Represents arguments for the event of the indexing operation is finished.
OperationProgressEventArgs Represents arguments for the event of the indexing operation progress is updated.
OptimizationProgressEventArgs Represents arguments for the event of the indexing operation progress is updated.
PasswordRequiredEventArgs Represents arguments for the event that occurs when document protected by a password is indexing.
SearchPhaseEventArgs Represents arguments for the search phase changing events.


Enum Description
OperationType Represents an index operation type.
SearchPhase Represents the search phases.