
SpreadsheetSaveFileFormat enumeration

Defines different save formats for Spreadsheet documents.

public enum SpreadsheetSaveFileFormat


Name Value Description
Default 0 File format will not be changed.
CSV 1 Saves the document as comma separated value file.
Excel97To2003 5 Saves the document as Microsoft Excel 97-2003 workbook (.xls).
Xlsx 6 Saves the document an Microsoft Excel OpenXML workbook.
Xlsm 7 Saves the document as Microsoft Excel macro-enabled workbook.
Xltx 8 Saves the document as Microsoft Excel template.
Xltm 9 Saves the document as Microsoft Excel macro-enabled template.
Xlam 10 Saves the document as Microsoft Excel macro-enabled add-In.
Pdf 13 Saves the document as an PDF file.
ODS 14 Saves the document as Open Office workbook.
Xlsb 16 Saves the document as Microsoft Excel Binary workbook.
XPS 20 Saves the document as XML Paper Specification File.
TIFF 21 Saves the document in Tagged Image File Format.
SVG 22 Saves the document as Scalable Vector Graphics file.
Dif 30 Saves the document in Data Interchange Format.
Emf 31 Saves the document in Windows Enhanced Metafile format.
Jpg 33 Saves the document in Jpeg format.
Png 34 Saves the document in Portable Network Graphics format.

See Also