
OtfFont class

Represents one font in the OTF (Open Type Format) format

public sealed class OtfFont : FontResourceBase


Name Description
OtfFont(string, Stream) Creates new OtfFont class from content, represented as byte stream, and with specified name
OtfFont(string, string) Creates new OtfFont class from content, represented as base64-encoded string, and with specified name


Name Description
ByteContent { get; } Returns content of this font as byte stream
FilenameWithExtension { get; } Returns correct filename of this font resource, which consists of name and extension. Theoretically can differ from the name.
IsDisposed { get; } Determines whether this font is disposed or not
Name { get; } Returns name of this font resource. Usually doesn’t contain filename extension and theoretically can differ from filename.
TextContent { get; } Returns content of this font as base64-encoded string. This value is cached after first invoke.
override Type { get; } Returns Otf


Name Description
Dispose() Disposes this font resource, disposing its content and making most methods and properties non-working
Equals(FontResourceBase) Checks this instance with specified font resource on reference equality
Equals(IHtmlResource) Checks this instance with specified HTML resource on reference equality
Save(string) Saves this font to the specified file
static IsValid(Stream) Checks whether specified stream is a valid OTF font
static IsValid(string) Checks whether specified base64-encoded string is a valid OTF font


Name Description
const RequiredHeaderSize OTF header size (in bytes), which is required for its validation


Name Description
event Disposed Event, which occurs when this font is disposed

See Also