
The namespace provides classes to specify additional options when loading, joining, splitting, previewing and saving documents.


Class Description
AddPasswordOptions Provides options for adding document password.
ExtractOptions Provides options to extract the document pages.
ImageJoinOptions The image join options.
ImportDocumentOptions Provides options for the embedded document import.
JoinOptions Provides options for the document joining.
LoadOptions Provides options for the document loading.
MoveOptions Provides options for moving document page.
OleDiagramOptions Provides options for import of the embedded document to Diagram via OLE.
OlePresentationOptions Provides options for import of the embedded document to Presentation via OLE.
OleSpreadsheetOptions Provides options for import of the embedded document to Spreadsheet via OLE.
OleWordProcessingOptions Provides options for import of the embedded document to Word processing via OLE.
OrientationOptions Provides options for the page orientation.
PageBuilderOptions Provides options for specifying the page builder.
PageJoinOptions Provides options for the document joining.
PageOptions Provides options for specifying page or pages range.
PdfAttachmentOptions Provides options to attach the embedded object to Pdf.
PdfJoinOptions The Pdf join options.
PreviewOptions Represents document preview options.
RemoveOptions Provides options for the page removing.
RotateOptions Provides options for the page rotation.
SaveOptions Provides options for the document saving.
SplitOptions Provides options for the document page splitting.
SwapOptions Provides options for swapping document pages.
TextSplitOptions Provides options for the document text splitting.
UpdatePasswordOptions Provides options for updating document password.
WordJoinOptions The Word join options.


Interface Description
IAddPasswordOptions Interface for the password adding options.
IExtractOptions Interface for options to extract the document pages.
IImageJoinOptions Interface for the image joining options.
IImportDocumentOptions Interface for import of the embedded document.
IJoinOptions Interface for the document joining options.
ILoadOptions Interface for the document loading options.
IMoveOptions Interface for the moving page options.
IOleDiagramOptions Interface for import options of the embedded document to Diagram via OLE.
IOlePresentationOptions Interface for import options of the embedded document to Presentation via OLE.
IOleSpreadsheetOptions Interface for import options of the embedded document to Spreadsheet via OLE.
IOleWordProcessingOptions Interface for import options of the embedded document to Word processing via OLE.
IOptions Interface for the base options.
IOrientationOptions Interface for the page orientation options.
IPageBuilderOptions Interface for the page builder options
IPageJoinOptions Interface for the document page joining options.
IPageOptions Interface for the page options
IPager Interface for apply option (pages, range and etc.)
IPdfAttachmentOptions Interface for options of the embedded document to PDF as attachment.
IPreviewOptions Interface for the preview options.
IRemoveOptions Interface for the page removing options.
IRotateOptions Interface for the page rotating options.
ISaveOptions Interface for the document saving options.
ISizeOptions Interface for adding embedded object.
ISplitOptions Interface for the page splitting options.
ISwapOptions Interface for the page swapping options.
ITextSplitOptions Interface for the text splitting options.
IUpdatePasswordOptions Interface for the password updating options.


Enumeration Description
ImageJoinMode Possible modes for the image joining.
OrientationMode Defines page orientation.
PreviewMode Provides modes for the page previewing.
RangeMode Possible modes for the page ranging.
RotateMode Possible modes for the page rotation.
SplitMode Defines page splitting modes.
TextSplitMode Possible text splitting modes.
WordJoinCompliance Possible Compliance modes for the Word Ooxml formats such as .docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm etc.
WordJoinMode Possible modes for the Word joining.