
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public abstract class DocumentFormatInstance

Represents a specific format of a document. Implement this class to add your own document types.

Learn more

The following example demonstrates how to create an empty stub for a custom format handler.

  public class DummyDocument extends DocumentFormatInstance
     {@literal @}Override
     public void load(InputStream output) throws java.lang.Exception
         // load file content
     {@literal @}Override
     public void save(OutputStream output) throws java.lang.Exception
         // save changes to file;


Constructor Description


Method Description
createInstance(Class docType)
getPassword() Gets a password for password protected documents.
setPassword(String value) Sets a password for password protected documents.
getRequiresRasterization() Gets value, indicating if the format instance is read-only and cannot be saved in original format.
initialize(DocumentFormatConfiguration config, RedactorSettings settings) Performs initialization of the instance of document format handler.
load(InputStream input) Loads the document from a stream.
save(OutputStream output) Saves the document to a stream.
isRedactionAccepted(RedactionDescription description) Checks for IRedactionCallback implementation and invokes it, if specified.
performBinaryCheck(InputStream input) Checks if the given stream contains a document, supported by this format instance.
getDefaultConfiguration() Provides a singleton instance with default configuration of built-in formats.


public DocumentFormatInstance()

createInstance(Class docType)

public static DocumentFormatInstance createInstance(Class docType)


Parameter Type Description
docType java.lang.Class

Returns: DocumentFormatInstance


public final String getPassword()

Gets a password for password protected documents.

Returns: java.lang.String - A password for password protected documents.

setPassword(String value)

public final void setPassword(String value)

Sets a password for password protected documents.


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String A password for password protected documents.


public boolean getRequiresRasterization()

Gets value, indicating if the format instance is read-only and cannot be saved in original format.

Returns: boolean - Value, indicating if the format instance is read-only and cannot be saved in original format.


public final boolean isAccessGranted()

Returns: boolean

initialize(DocumentFormatConfiguration config, RedactorSettings settings)

public void initialize(DocumentFormatConfiguration config, RedactorSettings settings)

Performs initialization of the instance of document format handler.


Parameter Type Description
config DocumentFormatConfiguration Format configuration
settings RedactorSettings Default settings for redaction process.

load(InputStream input)

public void load(InputStream input)

Loads the document from a stream.


Parameter Type Description
input Stream to read from

save(OutputStream output)

public abstract void save(OutputStream output)

Saves the document to a stream.


Parameter Type Description
output Target stream to save the document

isRedactionAccepted(RedactionDescription description)

public final boolean isRedactionAccepted(RedactionDescription description)

Checks for IRedactionCallback implementation and invokes it, if specified.


Parameter Type Description
description RedactionDescription Redaction description

Returns: boolean - True (by default) if redaction is accepted

performBinaryCheck(InputStream input)

public boolean performBinaryCheck(InputStream input)

Checks if the given stream contains a document, supported by this format instance.


Parameter Type Description
input Document content stream

Returns: boolean - True, if the document can be loaded by this format instance and false otherwise


public static RedactorConfiguration getDefaultConfiguration()

Provides a singleton instance with default configuration of built-in formats.

Returns: RedactorConfiguration - Configuration instance