The package provides classes for indexing and searching text data in documents of different formats. The main classes in this package are:

Index is the entry point for indexing and search operations.

SearchQuery is the base class and the factory for all types of search queries in object form.

IndexRepository is a container class for combining multiple indexes and performing common operations on them.


Class Description
Action Encapsulates a method that has no parameters and does not return a value.
Action1 Encapsulates a method that has a single parameter and does not return a value.
Action2<T1,T2> Encapsulates a method that has two parameters and does not return a value.
Document Represents the base class for documents added to an index from file system, stream, or structure.
DocumentFilter Represents the base class for document filters.
ExtractedData Represents data retrieved from a document and prepared for indexing.
Extractor Represents a tool for preliminary data extraction from documents for separating the stage of subsequent fast indexing.
Index Represents the main class for indexing documents and search through them.
IndexRepository Represents a container for combining multiple indexes and performing common operations on them.
IndexSettings Represents the index settings that allow to customize the indexing operations.
IndexUpdater Represents an index updater.
LicenseRestrictionException The exception that is thrown when a license restriction is triggered.
Notification The base class for all notifications to the index.
PleaseReportException Represents the exception that is thrown when an error occurred in the library.
SearchDocumentFilter Contains methods for creating search document filters.
SearchQuery Represents a search query in object form.