Inheritance: java.lang.Object
public class DiagramHeaderFooterFont
Represents a font that is used in Visio header/footer.
Method | Description |
getFamilyName() | Gets the font family name. |
setFamilyName(String value) | Sets the font family name. |
getSize() | Gets the height of the font. |
setSize(int value) | Sets the height of the font. |
getItalic() | Gets a value indicating whether the font is italic. |
setItalic(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether the font is italic. |
getUnderline() | Gets a value indicating whether the font is underline. |
setUnderline(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether the font is underline. |
getStrikeout() | Gets a value indicating whether the font is strikeout. |
setStrikeout(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether the font is strikeout. |
getBold() | Gets a value indicating whether the font is bold. |
setBold(boolean value) | Sets a value indicating whether the font is bold. |
public final String getFamilyName()
Gets the font family name.
Returns: java.lang.String - The font family name.
setFamilyName(String value)
public final void setFamilyName(String value)
Sets the font family name.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | java.lang.String | The font family name. |
public final int getSize()
Gets the height of the font.
Returns: int - The height of the font.
setSize(int value)
public final void setSize(int value)
Sets the height of the font.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | int | The height of the font. |
public final boolean getItalic()
Gets a value indicating whether the font is italic.
Returns: boolean - True if this font is italic; otherwise, false.
setItalic(boolean value)
public final void setItalic(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether the font is italic.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | True if this font is italic; otherwise, false. |
public final boolean getUnderline()
Gets a value indicating whether the font is underline.
Returns: boolean - True if this font is underline; otherwise, false.
setUnderline(boolean value)
public final void setUnderline(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether the font is underline.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | True if this font is underline; otherwise, false. |
public final boolean getStrikeout()
Gets a value indicating whether the font is strikeout.
Returns: boolean - True if this font is strikeout; otherwise, false.
setStrikeout(boolean value)
public final void setStrikeout(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether the font is strikeout.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | True if this font is strikeout; otherwise, false. |
public final boolean getBold()
Gets a value indicating whether the font is bold.
Returns: boolean - True if this font is bold; otherwise, false.
setBold(boolean value)
public final void setBold(boolean value)
Sets a value indicating whether the font is bold.
Parameter | Type | Description |
value | boolean | True if this font is bold; otherwise, false. |