
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

public class DiagramHeaderFooterFont

Represents a font that is used in Visio header/footer.


Method Description
getFamilyName() Gets the font family name.
setFamilyName(String value) Sets the font family name.
getSize() Gets the height of the font.
setSize(int value) Sets the height of the font.
getItalic() Gets a value indicating whether the font is italic.
setItalic(boolean value) Sets a value indicating whether the font is italic.
getUnderline() Gets a value indicating whether the font is underline.
setUnderline(boolean value) Sets a value indicating whether the font is underline.
getStrikeout() Gets a value indicating whether the font is strikeout.
setStrikeout(boolean value) Sets a value indicating whether the font is strikeout.
getBold() Gets a value indicating whether the font is bold.
setBold(boolean value) Sets a value indicating whether the font is bold.


public final String getFamilyName()

Gets the font family name.

Returns: java.lang.String - The font family name.

setFamilyName(String value)

public final void setFamilyName(String value)

Sets the font family name.


Parameter Type Description
value java.lang.String The font family name.


public final int getSize()

Gets the height of the font.

Returns: int - The height of the font.

setSize(int value)

public final void setSize(int value)

Sets the height of the font.


Parameter Type Description
value int The height of the font.


public final boolean getItalic()

Gets a value indicating whether the font is italic.

Returns: boolean - True if this font is italic; otherwise, false.

setItalic(boolean value)

public final void setItalic(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether the font is italic.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean True if this font is italic; otherwise, false.


public final boolean getUnderline()

Gets a value indicating whether the font is underline.

Returns: boolean - True if this font is underline; otherwise, false.

setUnderline(boolean value)

public final void setUnderline(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether the font is underline.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean True if this font is underline; otherwise, false.


public final boolean getStrikeout()

Gets a value indicating whether the font is strikeout.

Returns: boolean - True if this font is strikeout; otherwise, false.

setStrikeout(boolean value)

public final void setStrikeout(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether the font is strikeout.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean True if this font is strikeout; otherwise, false.


public final boolean getBold()

Gets a value indicating whether the font is bold.

Returns: boolean - True if this font is bold; otherwise, false.

setBold(boolean value)

public final void setBold(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether the font is bold.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean True if this font is bold; otherwise, false.