
The package provides classes to specify additional options when working with documents and watermarks.


Class Description
DiagramLoadOptions Represents document loading options for a Visio document.
DiagramPageWatermarkOptions Represents watermark adding options when adding shape watermark to a particular page of a Visio document.
DiagramPreviewOptions Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation of Diagram document.
DiagramSaveOptions Represents document saving options when saving a Visio document.
DiagramShapeWatermarkOptions Represents watermark adding options when adding shape watermark to a Visio document.
DiagramWatermarkOptions Base class for watermark adding options to a Visio document.
EmailLoadOptions Represents the document loading options for an email message.
EmailPreviewOptions Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation of Email document.
EmailSaveOptions Represents the document saving options when saving an email message.
GifImageLoadOptions Represents image loading options for a GIF image.
GifImageSaveOptions Represents image saving options when saving a GIF image.
GifImageWatermarkOptions Represents watermark adding options when adding watermark to a GIF image.
ImageLoadOptions Represents image loading options when loading an image.
ImageSaveOptions Represents image saving options when saving an image.
LoadOptions Represents document loading options when loading a document.
MultiframeImageLoadOptions Represents image loading options when loading a multiframe image.
MultiframeImageWatermarkOptions Represents watermark adding options when adding watermark to a multi-frame image.
OoxmlLoadOptions Represents document loading options for a OOXML document.
PdfAnnotationWatermarkOptions Represents watermark adding options when adding annotation watermark to a pdf document.
PdfArtifactWatermarkOptions Represents watermark adding options when adding artifact watermark to a pdf document.
PdfLoadOptions Represents document loading options for a pdf document.
PdfPreviewOptions Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation of PDF document.
PdfSaveOptions Represents document saving options when saving a pdf document.
PdfWatermarkOptions Base class for watermark adding options to a pdf document.
PdfXObjectWatermarkOptions Represents watermark adding options when adding XObject watermark to a pdf document.
PresentationImageEffects Represents effects that can be applied to an image watermark for a PowerPoint document.
PresentationLoadOptions Represents document loading options for a Presentation document.
PresentationSaveOptions Represents document saving options when saving a Presentation document.
PresentationTextEffects Represents effects that can be applied to a text watermark for a PowerPoint content.
PresentationWatermarkBaseSlideOptions Base class for watermark adding options to a Presentation document.
PresentationWatermarkLayoutSlideOptions Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document layout slide.
PresentationWatermarkMasterHandoutSlideOptions Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document master handout slide.
PresentationWatermarkMasterNotesSlideOptions Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document master notes slide.
PresentationWatermarkMasterSlideOptions Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document master slide.
PresentationWatermarkNoteSlideOptions Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document note slide.
PresentationWatermarkOptions Base class for watermark adding options to a Presentation document.
PresentationWatermarkSlideOptions Represents options when adding watermark to a Presentation document slide.
PreviewOptions Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation.
SaveOptions Represents document saving options when saving a document.
SpreadsheetBackgroundWatermarkOptions Represents options when adding the watermark as a background to a Spreadsheet worksheet.
SpreadsheetImageEffects Represents effects that can be applied to an image watermark for an Excel document.
SpreadsheetLoadOptions Represents document loading options for a Spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetPreviewOptions Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation of Spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetSaveOptions Represents document saving options when saving a Spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetShapeSettings Represents settings that can be applied to a shape watermark for an Excel document.
SpreadsheetTextEffects Represents effects that can be applied to a text watermark for an Excel document.
SpreadsheetWatermarkBaseOptions Base class for watermark adding options to a Spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetWatermarkHeaderFooterOptions Represents options when adding the watermark to a Spreadsheet header/footer.
SpreadsheetWatermarkModernWordArtOptions Represents options when adding modern word art watermark to a Spreadsheet worksheet.
SpreadsheetWatermarkOptions Base class for watermark adding options to a Spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetWatermarkShapeOptions Represents options when adding shape watermark to a Spreadsheet worksheet.
TiffImageLoadOptions Represents image loading options for a TIFF image.
TiffImageSaveOptions Represents image saving options when saving a TIFF image.
TiffImageWatermarkOptions Represents watermark adding options when adding watermark to a TIFF image.
WatermarkOptions Represents watermark adding options when adding watermark to a document.
WordProcessingFlipOrientation Possible values for the orientation of a shape.
WordProcessingImageEffects Represents effects that can be applied to an image watermark for a Word document.
WordProcessingLoadOptions Represents document loading options for a Word document.
WordProcessingLockType Specifies watermark lock type in Word document.
WordProcessingPreviewOptions Provides options to sets requirements and stream delegates for preview generation of WordProcessing document.
WordProcessingSaveOptions Represents document saving options when saving a Word document.
WordProcessingShapeSettings Represents settings that can be applied to a shape watermark for a Word document.
WordProcessingTextEffects Represents effects that can be applied to a text watermark for a Word document.
WordProcessingWatermarkBaseOptions Base class for watermark adding options to a Word document.
WordProcessingWatermarkHeaderFooterOptions Represents options when adding the watermark to a Word section header/footer.
WordProcessingWatermarkOptions Base class for watermark adding options to a Word document.
WordProcessingWatermarkPagesOptions Represents options when adding watermark to Word document pages.
WordProcessingWatermarkSectionOptions Represents options when adding shape watermark to a Word document section.


Interface Description
ICreatePageStream Provides method that returns a stream to write page preview data.
ILogger Defines the interface of a logger that is used for logging events and errors during watermarking.
IPresentationWatermarkEffects Represents interface for watermark effects that should be applied to the watermark.
IReleasePageStream Represents a method which releases the stream created by [ICreatePageStream](../com.groupdocs.watermark.options/icreatepagestream) object.
ISpreadsheetWatermarkEffects Represents interface for watermark effects that should be applied to the watermark.
IWordProcessingWatermarkEffects Represents interface for watermark effects that should be applied to the watermark.