AndSearchCriteria |
Represents AND composite search criteria. |
AttachedImagePossibleWatermark |
Represents attached image watermark in a content of any supported format. |
ColorRange |
Represents a range of colors. |
DiagramCommentPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible watermark in a Visio document comment. |
DiagramHeaderFooterPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible watermark in a Visio document header/footer. |
DiagramHyperlinkPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible hyperlink watermark in a Visio document. |
DiagramSearchableObjects |
Specifies flags representing Visio document objects that are to be included in a watermark search. |
DiagramShapePossibleWatermark |
Represents possible shape watermark in a Visio document. |
EmailAttachedImagePossibleWatermark |
Represents possible image watermark in email message attachment. |
EmailBodyTextPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible watermark in email message body. |
EmailEmbeddedImagePossibleWatermark |
Represents possible image watermark embedded to email message body. |
EmailHtmlBodyTextPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible watermark in email message html body. |
EmailSearchableObjects |
Specifies flags representing email message objects that are to be included in a watermark search. |
EmailSubjectTextPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible watermark in email message subject. |
EmailTextPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible watermark in email message text fields. |
FloatingAttachedImagePossibleWatermark |
Represents attached image watermark in a content of any supported format. |
FormattedTextFragment |
Provides abstract base class for a fragment of formatted text in a content. |
FormattedTextFragmentCollection |
Represents a mutable collection of formatted text fragments. |
FormattedTextFragmentCollectionType |
Specifies the number of elements a formatted text fragment collection can contain. |
HyperlinkPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible hyperlink watermark in a PowerPoint content. |
ImageColorHistogramSearchCriteria |
Represents search criteria for finding images in a content. |
ImageDctHashSearchCriteria |
Represents a search criteria for finding images in a document. |
ImageSearchCriteria |
Provides base class for image search criteria. |
ImageThumbnailSearchCriteria |
Represents search criteria for finding images in a content. |
IsImageSearchCriteria |
Represents search criteria for filtering image watermarks only. |
IsTextSearchCriteria |
Represents search criteria for filtering text watermarks only. |
NotSearchCriteria |
Represents NOT composite search criteria. |
OrSearchCriteria |
Represents OR composite search criteria. |
PdfAnnotationPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible annotation watermark in a pdf document. |
PdfArtifactPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible artifact watermark in a pdf content. |
PdfAttachedImagePossibleWatermark |
Represents possible image watermark in pdf document attachment. |
PdfHyperlinkPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible hyperlink watermark in a pdf document. |
PdfSearchableObjects |
Specifies flags representing pdf content objects that are to be included in a watermark search. |
PdfTextPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible watermark in a pdf document text. |
PdfXObjectPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible XObject watermark in a pdf content. |
PossibleWatermark |
Represents possible watermark found in a document. |
PossibleWatermarkCollection |
Represents a collection of possible watermarks found in a content. |
PresentationBackgroundPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible background watermark in a PowerPoint document. |
PresentationChartBackgroundPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible background watermark in a PowerPoint chart. |
PresentationHyperlinkPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible hyperlink watermark in a PowerPoint document. |
PresentationSearchableObjects |
Specifies flags representing PowerPoint content objects that are to be included in a watermark search. |
PresentationShapePossibleWatermark |
Represents possible shape watermark in a PowerPoint document. |
RotateAngleSearchCriteria |
Represents criteria allowing filtering by watermark rotate angle. |
SearchCriteria |
Class that can be used to construct criteria when searching for watermarks. |
SearchableObjects |
Specifies document objects that are to be included in a watermark search. |
ShapePossibleWatermark |
Represents shape watermark in a content of any supported format. |
ShapeSearchAdapter |
Provides base class for a shape containing specific pieces of document that are to be included in watermark search. |
SizeSearchCriteria |
Represents criteria allowing filtering by watermark size. |
SpreadsheetAttachedImagePossibleWatermark |
Represents possible image watermark in Excel document attachment. |
SpreadsheetBackgroundPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible background watermark in an Excel document. |
SpreadsheetCellPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible cell watermark in an Excel document. |
SpreadsheetChartBackgroundPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible image watermark in Excel chart background. |
SpreadsheetHeaderFooterPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible watermark in a header or footer of an Excel document. |
SpreadsheetHyperlinkPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible hyperlink watermark in an Excel document. |
SpreadsheetSearchableObjects |
Specifies flags representing Excel content objects that are to be included in a watermark search. |
SpreadsheetShapePossibleWatermark |
Represents possible shape watermark in an Excel document. |
TextFormattingSearchCriteria |
Represents criteria allowing filtering by text formatting. |
TextSearchCriteria |
Represents criteria allowing filtering by watermark text. |
TwoDObjectPossibleWatermark |
Represents 2D object watermark in a content of any supported format. |
WordProcessingSearchableObjects |
Specifies flags representing Word content objects that are to be included in a watermark search. |
WordProcessingShapePossibleWatermark |
Represents possible shape watermark in a Word document. |
WordProcessingTextHyperlinkPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible hyperlink watermark in a Word document. |
WordProcessingTextPossibleWatermark |
Represents possible watermark in a Word document text. |