
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: com.groupdocs.watermark.internal.IDocumentSpecificSettings

public abstract class OfficeImageEffects implements IDocumentSpecificSettings

Represents effects that can be applied to an image watermark for an office content.


Method Description
getBorderLineFormat() Gets a line format settings for the image border.
setBorderLineFormat(OfficeLineFormat value) Sets a line format settings for the image border.
getGrayScale() Gets a value indicating whether a picture will be displayed in grayscale mode.
setGrayScale(boolean value) Sets a value indicating whether a picture will be displayed in grayscale mode.
getChromaKey() Gets the color value of the image that will be treated as transparent.
setChromaKey(Color value) Sets the color value of the image that will be treated as transparent.
getBrightness() Gets the brightness of the picture.
setBrightness(double value) Sets the brightness of the picture.
getContrast() Gets the contrast for the specified picture.
setContrast(double value) Sets the contrast for the specified picture.


public final OfficeLineFormat getBorderLineFormat()

Gets a line format settings for the image border.

Returns: OfficeLineFormat - Instance of OfficeLineFormat class, representing shape line format.

setBorderLineFormat(OfficeLineFormat value)

public final void setBorderLineFormat(OfficeLineFormat value)

Sets a line format settings for the image border.


Parameter Type Description
value OfficeLineFormat Instance of OfficeLineFormat class, representing shape line format.


public final boolean getGrayScale()

Gets a value indicating whether a picture will be displayed in grayscale mode.

Returns: boolean - The default value is false.

setGrayScale(boolean value)

public final void setGrayScale(boolean value)

Sets a value indicating whether a picture will be displayed in grayscale mode.


Parameter Type Description
value boolean The default value is false.


public final Color getChromaKey()

Gets the color value of the image that will be treated as transparent.

Returns: Color - The default value is fully transparent color.

setChromaKey(Color value)

public final void setChromaKey(Color value)

Sets the color value of the image that will be treated as transparent.


Parameter Type Description
value Color The default value is fully transparent color.


public final double getBrightness()

Gets the brightness of the picture. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (dimmest) to 1.0 (brightest).

Returns: double - The default value is 0.5.

setBrightness(double value)

public final void setBrightness(double value)

Sets the brightness of the picture. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (dimmest) to 1.0 (brightest).


Parameter Type Description
value double The default value is 0.5.


public final double getContrast()

Gets the contrast for the specified picture. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (the least contrast) to 1.0 (the greatest contrast).

Returns: double - The default value is 0.5.

setContrast(double value)

public final void setContrast(double value)

Sets the contrast for the specified picture. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (the least contrast) to 1.0 (the greatest contrast).


Parameter Type Description
value double The default value is 0.5.