
DocumentTableRelationCollection class

Represents the collection of DocumentTableRelation objects of a single DocumentTableSet instance.

public class DocumentTableRelationCollection : IEnumerable


Name Description
Count { get; } Gets the total number of DocumentTableRelation objects in the collection.
Item { get; } Gets a DocumentTableRelation instance from the collection at the specified index.


Name Description
Add(DocumentTableColumn, DocumentTableColumn) Creates a DocumentTableRelation object for the specified parent and child columns, and adds it to the collection.
Clear() Clears the collection of any relations.
Contains(DocumentTableRelation) Returns a value indicating whether this collection contains the specified relation.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator to iterate DocumentTableRelation objects of this collection.
IndexOf(DocumentTableRelation) Returns the index of the specified relation within this collection.
Remove(DocumentTableRelation) Removes the specified relation from the collection.
RemoveAt(int) Removes the relation at the specified index from the collection.

See Also