
EmailLoadOptions class

Options for loading Email documents.

public sealed class EmailLoadOptions : LoadOptions, IDocumentsContainerLoadOptions


Name Description
EmailLoadOptions() Initializes new instance of EmailLoadOptions class.


Name Description
ConvertOwned { get; set; } Implements ConvertOwned Default is true
ConvertOwner { get; set; } Implements ConvertOwner Default is true
Depth { get; set; } Implements Depth Default: 1
DisplayAttachments { get; set; } Option to display or hide attachments in the header. Default: true.
DisplayBccEmailAddress { get; set; } Option to display or hide “Bcc” email address. Default: false.
DisplayCcEmailAddress { get; set; } Option to display or hide “Cc” email address. Default: false.
DisplayEmailAddresses { get; set; } Option to control whether email addresses are displayed alongside names. Example: “John Doe <>” or just “John Doe.” Default: true.
DisplayFromEmailAddress { get; set; } Option to display or hide “from” email address. Default: true.
DisplayHeader { get; set; } Option to display or hide the email header. Default: true.
DisplaySent { get; set; } Option to display or hide sent date/time in the header. Default: true.
DisplaySubject { get; set; } Option to display or hide subject in the header. Default: true.
DisplayToEmailAddress { get; set; } Option to display or hide “to” email address. Default: true.
FieldTextMap { get; set; } The mapping between email message EmailField and field text representation
Format { get; set; } Input document file type.
virtual Format { get; } Input document file type.
PreserveOriginalDate { get; set; } Defines whether need to keep original date header string in mail message when saving or not (Default value is true)
ResourceLoadingTimeout { get; set; } Timeout for loading external resources
TimeZoneOffset { get; set; } Gets or sets the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) offset for the message dates. This property defines the time zone difference, between the localtime and UTC.


Name Description
Clone() Clones current instance.
override Equals(object) Determines whether two object instances are equal.
virtual Equals(ValueObject) Determines whether two object instances are equal.
override GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function.

See Also