
WebLoadOptions class

Options for loading web documents.

public class WebLoadOptions : LoadOptions, IPageNumberingLoadOptions, IResourceLoadingOptions


Name Description
WebLoadOptions() Initializes new instance of WebLoadOptions class.


Name Description
BasePath { get; set; } The base path/url for the html
ConfigureHeaders { get; set; } Action for configuration of the request headers. First parameter of the action is the Uri.
CredentialsProvider { get; set; } Credentials provider for the Uri.
Encoding { get; set; } Get or sets the encoding to be used when loading the web document. If the property is null the encoding will be determined from document character set attribute
Format { get; set; } Input document file type.
virtual Format { get; } Input document file type.
HtmlRenderingMode { get; set; } Controls how HTML content is rendered. Default: AbsolutePositioning
PageNumbering { get; set; } Enable or disable generation of page numbering in converted document. Default: false
ResourceLoadingTimeout { get; set; } Timeout for loading external resources
SkipExternalResources { get; set; } Implements SkipExternalResources
UsePdf { get; set; } Use pdf for the conversion. Default: false
WhitelistedResources { get; set; } Implements WhitelistedResources
Zoom { get; set; } Specifies the zoom level as a percentage. The zoom level is applied to the document’s <body> tag before conversion, scaling the document’s visual appearance. A value of 100% represents the original size. The default value is 100.


Name Description
override Equals(object) Determines whether two object instances are equal.
virtual Equals(ValueObject) Determines whether two object instances are equal.
override GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function.

See Also