
Inheritance: java.lang.Object

All Implemented Interfaces: com.groupdocs.editor.htmlcss.resources.images.IImageResource

public abstract class RasterImageResourceBase implements IImageResource

Base class for any supported raster image with fixed name, dimensions, aspect ratio, type, size, and content.


Constructor Description


Field Description


Method Description
getName() Returns name of this raster image.
getFilenameWithExtension() Returns correct filename of this raster image, which consists of name and extension.
getLinearDimensions() Returns linear dimensions of this raster image (width and height)
getAspectRatio() Returns an aspect ratio of this image as the width-to-height relation
getLength() Returns the length of this raster image file in bytes
getByteContent() Returns content of this raster image as byte stream
getTextContent() Returns content of this raster image as base64-encoded string
save(String fullPathToFile) Saves this raster image to the specified file
equals(IHtmlResource other) Checks this instance with specified on reference equality.
dispose() Disposes this raster image, disposing its content and making most methods and properties non-working
isDisposed() Determines whether this raster image is disposed or not
getType() In implementing type should return information about type of the raster image


public RasterImageResourceBase()


public final Event<EventHandler> Disposed


public final String getName()

Returns name of this raster image. Usually doesn’t contain filename extension and theoretically can differ from filename.

Returns: java.lang.String


public final String getFilenameWithExtension()

Returns correct filename of this raster image, which consists of name and extension. Theoretically can differ from the name.

Returns: java.lang.String


public final Dimensions getLinearDimensions()

Returns linear dimensions of this raster image (width and height)

Returns: Dimensions


public final Ratio getAspectRatio()

Returns an aspect ratio of this image as the width-to-height relation

Returns: Ratio


public final int getLength()

Returns the length of this raster image file in bytes

Returns: int -


public final InputStream getByteContent()

Returns content of this raster image as byte stream

Returns: java.io.InputStream -


public final String getTextContent()

Returns content of this raster image as base64-encoded string

Returns: java.lang.String -

save(String fullPathToFile)

public final void save(String fullPathToFile)

Saves this raster image to the specified file


Parameter Type Description
fullPathToFile java.lang.String Full path to the file, which will be created or rewritten

equals(IHtmlResource other)

public final boolean equals(IHtmlResource other)

Checks this instance with specified on reference equality.


Parameter Type Description
other IHtmlResource Other IHtmlResource inheritor

Returns: boolean - True if are equal, false if are unequal


public final void dispose()

Disposes this raster image, disposing its content and making most methods and properties non-working


public final boolean isDisposed()

Determines whether this raster image is disposed or not

Returns: boolean -


public abstract ImageType getType()

In implementing type should return information about type of the raster image

Returns: ImageType -