
The namespace provides annotation properties interfaces.


Interface Description
IAngle Interface that describes rotation angle
IBackgroundColor Interface that describes background color
IBorderStyle Interface that describes border style
IBox Interface that describes box (coordinates)
IBoxStyle Interface that describes box style
IFontColor Interface that describes font color
IFontFamily Interface that describes font family
IFontSize Interface that describes font size
IHorizontalAlignment Interface that describes horizontal alignment
IOpacity Interface that describes opacity
IPenColor Interface that describes pen color
IPenStyle Interface that describes pen style
IPenWidth Interface that describes pen width
IPoints Interface that describes position (coordinates)
ISquigglyColor Interface that describes squiggly line color
ISvgPath Interface that describes svg path coordinates array
IText Interface that describes text content
ITextHorizontalAlignment Interface that describes text horizontal alignment
ITextToReplace Interface that describes text for replace
IUrl Interface that describes link url
IVerticalAlignment Interface that describes vertical alignment