The namespace provides classes for working with watermarks in pdf documents.
Class | Description |
PdfAnnotation | Represents an annotation in a pdf document. |
PdfAnnotationCollection | Represents a collection of annotations in a pdf document. |
PdfArtifact | Represents an artifact in a pdf content. |
PdfArtifactCollection | Represents a collection of artifacts in a pdf content. |
PdfAttachment | Represents a file attached to a pdf content. |
PdfAttachmentCollection | Represents a collection of attachments in a pdf document. |
PdfContent | Represents a pdf document where a watermark can be placed. |
PdfFormattedTextFragment | Represents a fragment of formatted text in a pdf document. |
PdfFormattedTextFragmentCollection | Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a pdf document. |
PdfOperator | Represents an operator of vector content in a pdf document. |
PdfOperatorCollection | Represents a collection of operators in a pdf content. |
PdfPage | Represents pdf document page. |
PdfPageCollection | Represents a collection of pages in a pdf content. |
PdfShape | Provides base class for XObjects, Artifacts and Annotations. |
PdfShapeFormattedTextFragmentCollection | Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a pdf document XObject, Artifact or Annotation. |
PdfTextFormattedTextFragmentCollection | Represents a collection of formatted text fragments in a pdf content main text. |
PdfWatermarkableImage | Represents an image inside a Pdf document. |
PdfXForm | Represents an XForm in a pdf content. |
PdfXImage | Represents an XImage in a pdf content. |
PdfXObject | Represents an XObject in a pdf document. |
PdfXObjectCollection | Represents a collection of XObjects in a pdf document. |
Enumeration | Description |
PdfAnnotationType | Enumeration of annotation types. |
PdfArtifactSubtype | Enumeration of possible artifacts subtype. |
PdfArtifactType | Enumeration of possible artifact types. |
PdfCryptoAlgorithm | Represent type of cryptographic algorithm that used in encryption routine. |
PdfImageConversionFormat | Represents image formats that can be used for pdf document pages rasterization. |
PdfPageMarginType | Represents pdf crop margins to be used during watermark adding. |
PdfPermissions | Represents user’s permissions for a pdf document. |