
WordProcessingHeaderFooterCollection class

Represents a collection of headers and footers in a Word document.

public class WordProcessingHeaderFooterCollection : ReadOnlyListBase<WordProcessingHeaderFooter>


Name Description
virtual Count { get; } Gets the number of elements contained in the collection.
virtual IsReadOnly { get; } Gets a value indicating whether the collection is read-only.
virtual Item { get; } Gets the element at the specified index in the collection.
Item { get; } Gets the header or footer of specified type.


Name Description
virtual Contains(WordProcessingHeaderFooter)
virtual GetEnumerator()
virtual IndexOf(WordProcessingHeaderFooter)
LinkToPrevious(bool) Links or unlinks all headers and footers to the corresponding headers and footers in the previous section.


This collection contains the items of WordProcessingHeaderFooter type.

See Also