
ImageColorHistogramSearchCriteria class

Represents search criteria for finding images in a content.

public class ImageColorHistogramSearchCriteria : ImageSearchCriteria


Name Description
ImageColorHistogramSearchCriteria(Stream) Initializes a new instance of the ImageColorHistogramSearchCriteria class with a specified stream.
ImageColorHistogramSearchCriteria(string) Initializes a new instance of the ImageColorHistogramSearchCriteria class with a specified file path.


Name Description
BinsCount { get; set; } Gets or sets a count of bins that will be used for building color histograms.
MaxDifference { get; set; } Gets or sets maximum allowed difference between images.
Pages { get; set; } Gets or sets the list of specific page numbers


Name Description
And(SearchCriteria) Combines this SearchCriteria with other criteria using logical AND operator.
Not() Negates this SearchCriteria.
Or(SearchCriteria) Combines this SearchCriteria with other criteria using logical OR operator.


This search criteria uses image color histograms for calculating image similarity.

See Also