The namespace provides classes which represent supported file types.
Class | Description |
AudioFileType | Defines Audio documents Includes the following types: Mp3 , Aac , Aiff , Flac , M4a , Wma , Ac3 , Ogg , Wav , Learn more about audio formats here. |
CadFileType | Defines CAD documents (Computer Aided Design) that are used for a 3D graphics file formats and may contain 2D or 3D designs. Includes the following types: Cf2 Dgn , Dwf , Dwfx Dwg , Dwt , Dxf , Ifc , Igs , Plt , Stl . Learn more about CAD formats here. |
CompressionFileType | Defines compression formats. Includes the following file types: Zip . Rar . SevenZ . Tar . Gz . Gzip . Bz2 . Lz . Z . Xz . Xz . Cpio . Cab . Lzma . Zst . Uue . Lha . Learn more about compression formats here. |
DatabaseFileType | Defines database documents. Includes the following file types: Nsf Log Sql |
DiagramFileType | Defines Diagram documents. Includes the following types: Vdw , Vdx , Vsd , Vsdm , Vsdx , Vss , Vssm , Vssx , Vst , Vstm , Vstx , Vsx , Vtx . |
EBookFileType | Defines EBook documents. Includes the following file types: Epub Mobi Azw3 |
EmailFileType | Defines Email file formats that are used by email applications to store their various data including email messages, attachments, folders, address books etc. Includes the following file types: Eml , Emlx , Msg , Vcf . Mbox . Pst . Ost . Olm . Learn more about Email formats here. |
FileType | File type base class |
FinanceFileType | Defines Finance documents Includes the following types: Xbrl IXbrl Ofx Learn more about Finance formats here. |
FontFileType | Defines Font documents Includes the following types: Ttf Eot Otf Cff Type1 Woff Woff2 Learn more about Font formats here. |
GisFileType | Defines GIS documents. Includes the following file types: Shp . GeoJson . Gdb . Gml . Kml . Gpx . TopoJson . Osm . |
ImageFileType | Defines image documents. Includes the following file types: Ai , Avif , Bmp , Cdr , Cmx , Dcm , Dib , DjVu , Dng , Emf , Emz , Gif , Heic Ico , J2c , J2k , Jls , Jp2 , Jpc , Jfif . Jpeg , Jpf , Jpg , Jpm , Jpx , Odg , Png , Psd , Svgz , Tif , Tiff , Webp , Wmf . Wmz . Learn more about Image formats here. |
NoteFileType | Defines Note-taking formats. Includes the following file types: One . Learn more about Note-taking formats here. |
PageDescriptionLanguageFileType | Defines Page description documents. Includes the following file types: Svg Eps Cgm Xps Tex Ps Pcl Oxps |
PdfFileType | Defines Pdf documents. Includes the following file types: Pdf , |
PresentationFileType | Defines Presentation file formats that store collection of records to accommodate presentation data such as slides, shapes, text, animations, video, audio and embedded objects. Includes the following file types: Odp , Otp , Pot , Potm , Potx , Pps , Ppsm , Ppsx , Ppt , Pptm , Pptx . Learn more about Presentation formats here. |
ProjectManagementFileType | Defines Project file formats that are created by Project Management software such as Microsoft Project, Primavera P6 etc. A project file is a collection of tasks, resources, and their scheduling to get a measurable output in the form or a product or a service. Project management documents. Includes the following file types: Mpp , Mpt , Mpx . Learn more about Project Management formats here. |
PublisherFileType | Defines Publisher documents Includes the following types: Pub Learn more about Publisher formats here. |
SpreadsheetFileType | Defines Spreadsheet documents. Includes the following file types: Csv , Fods , Ods , Ots , Tsv , Xlam , Xls , Xlsb , Xlsm , Xlsx , Xlt , Xltm , Xltx . Learn more about Spreadsheet formats here. |
ThreeDFileType | Defines 3D documents Includes the following types: Fbx ThreeDS ThreeMF Amf Ase Rvm Dae Drc Gltf Obj Ply Jt U3d Usd Usdz Vrml X Glb Ma Mb Learn more about 3D formats here. |
VideoFileType | Defines Video documents Includes the following types: Mp4 , Avi , Flv , Mkv , Mov , Webm , Wmv , Learn more about video formats here. |
WebFileType | Defines Web documents. Includes the following file types: Xml Json Html Htm Mht Mhtml Chm |
WordProcessingFileType | Defines Word Processing files that contain user information in plain text or rich text format. A plain text file format contains unformatted text and no font or page settings etc. can be applied. In contrast, a rich text file format allows formatting options such as setting fonts type, styles (bold, italic, underline, etc.), page margins, headings, bullets and numbers, and several other formatting features. Includes the following file types: Doc , Docm , Docx , Dot , Dotm , Dotx , Odt , Ott , Rtf , Txt . Md . Learn more about Word Processing formats here. |