
RawTiffTagPackage class

Represents Tiff tags.

public sealed class RawTiffTagPackage : RawDictionaryBasePackage


Name Description
Artist { get; } Gets the Artist.
BitsPerSample { get; } Gets the bits per sample.
Compression { get; } Gets compression.
Copyright { get; } Gets the Copyright.
Count { get; } Gets the number of metadata properties.
DateTime { get; } Gets the DateTime.
EXIF { get; } Gets the EXIF.
GpsIfd { get; } Gets the EXIF.
GpsIfdPackage { get; } Gets the GPS tag (GPSInfo IFD Pointer).
ImageDescription { get; set; } Gets or sets a character string giving the title of the image. It may be a comment such as “1988 company picnic” or the like.
ImageHeight { get; } Gets the image height.
ImageWidth { get; } Gets the image width.
Item { get; } Gets the Raw tag with the specified id. (2 indexers)
JpegInterchangeFormat { get; } Gets the JpegInterchangeFormat.
JpegInterchangeFormatLength { get; } Gets the JpegInterchangeFormatLength.
Keys { get; } Gets a collection of the metadata property names.
Make { get; } Gets the macro mode.
MetadataType { get; } Gets the metadata type.
Model { get; } Gets the model.
Orientation { get; } Gets the orientation.
PhotometricInterpretation { get; } Gets PhotometricInterpretation.
PlanarConfiguration { get; } Gets the PlanarConfiguration.
PrimaryChromaticities { get; } Gets the PrimaryChromaticities.
PropertyDescriptors { get; } Gets a collection of descriptors that contain information about properties accessible through the GroupDocs.Metadata search engine.
RawExifTagPackage { get; } Gets the Exif tag (Exif IFD Pointer).
RawIFD1Package { get; } Gets the IFD1.
RawIFD2Package { get; } Gets the IFD2.
RawIFD3Package { get; } Gets the IFD3.
ReferenceBlackWhite { get; } Gets the ReferenceBlackWhite.
ResolutionUnit { get; } Gets the Resolution Unit.
RowsPerStrip { get; } Gets the RowsPerStrip.
SamplesPerPixel { get; } Gets the SamplesPerPixel.
Software { get; } Gets the Software.
StripByteCounts { get; } Gets the strip byte counts.
StripOffset { get; } Gets the StripOffset.
TransferFunction { get; } Gets the TransferFunction.
WhitePoint { get; } Gets the WhitePoint.
XResolution { get; } Gets the XResolution.
YCbCrCoefficients { get; } Gets the YCbCrCoefficients.
YCbCrPositioning { get; } Gets the YCbCrPositioning.
YCbCrSubSampling { get; } Gets the YCbCrSubSampling.
YResolution { get; } Gets the YResolution.


Name Description
virtual AddProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>, PropertyValue) Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
Clear() Removes all Raw tags stored in the package.
Contains(string) Determines whether the package contains a metadata property with the specified name.
virtual FindProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>) Finds the metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The search is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
GetEnumerator() Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
Remove(uint) Removes the property with the specified id.
virtual RemoveProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>) Removes metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate.
virtual Sanitize() Removes writable metadata properties from the package. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
Set(RawTag) Adds or replaces the specified tag.
virtual SetProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>, PropertyValue) Sets known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well. This method is a combination of AddProperties and UpdateProperties. If an existing property satisfies the predicate its value is updated. If there is a known property missing in the package that satisfies the predicate it is added to the package.
ToList() Creates a list from the package.
virtual UpdateProperties(Func<MetadataProperty, bool>, PropertyValue) Updates known metadata properties satisfying the specified predicate. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.

See Also