
ContentTagCategory class

Provides tags that are attached to metadata properties describing the content of a file. The tags are useful to find out the content language, type (genre), subject, rating, etc.

public class ContentTagCategory : TagCategory


Name Description
Album { get; } Gets the tag that denotes the album name of a audio file.
Body { get; } Gets the tag that denotes the body of a email file.
Comment { get; } Gets the tag that denotes a comment left by a person who contributed in file creation.
Description { get; } Gets the tag that labels properties containing a description of a file.
FileFormat { get; } Gets the tag that indicates a metadata property containing information about the format of a file.
HyperlinksChanged { get; } Gets the tag that denotes the indicates that one or more hyperlinks in this part have been updated exclusively in this part by the manufacturer.
Keywords { get; } Gets the tag that denotes a metadata property containing keywords that describe the content.
Language { get; } Gets the tag indicating the language of the intellectual content of a file.
Rating { get; } Gets the tag labeling a user assigned rating of a file.
SharedDoc { get; } Gets the tag that denotes which is a common document for several manufacturers.
Status { get; } Gets the tag that denotes the status of a file.
Subject { get; } Gets the tag that denotes the subject the intellectual content is focused on.
TableOfContents { get; } Gets the tag indicating properties containing the table of contents of a file.
Thumbnail { get; } Gets the tag that indicates a thumbnail image attached to a file.
Title { get; } Gets the tag that labels the name given to a file.
Type { get; } Gets the tag that indicates the nature or genre of the content of a file. It also includes terms describing general categories, functions, aggregation levels for the content.
Version { get; } Gets the tag labeling the version or revision of a file.


Name Description
override ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object.

See Also