
DocumentTagCategory class

Provides tags that are applied to document-specific properties only. The tags can be useful to determine from which part of an office document a property was extracted.

public class DocumentTagCategory : TagCategory


Name Description
BuiltIn { get; } Gets the tag that indicates that the property it labels is built-in.
Field { get; } Gets the tag that denotes a property holding information about a form field or calculated field extracted from a document.
HiddenData { get; } Gets the tag indicating a document part that is not visible for regular users.
OnlyUpdate { get; } Gets the tag that indicates that the property it not full removal from document.
Page { get; } Gets the tag that denotes a property holding information about a document page.
ReadOnly { get; } Gets the tag that indicates that the property it labels is read-only and cannot be changed by GroupDocs.Metadata.
Revision { get; } Get the tag labeling a property containing information about a document revision (tracked change).
Statistic { get; } Gets the tag indicating a property containing document statistics (word count, character count, etc).
UserComment { get; } Gets the tag that labels user comments shown in the document content.


Name Description
override ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object.

See Also