
MP3RootPackage.Lyrics3V2 property

Gets or sets the Lyrics3v2 metadata tag.

public LyricsTag Lyrics3V2 { get; set; }

Property Value

The Lyrics3v2 metadata tag.


This example shows how to update the Lyrics tag in an MP3 file

using (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(Constants.MP3WithLyrics))
    var root = metadata.GetRootPackage<MP3RootPackage>();

    if (root.Lyrics3V2 == null)
        root.Lyrics3V2 = new LyricsTag();

    root.Lyrics3V2.Lyrics = "[00:01]Test lyrics";
    root.Lyrics3V2.Artist = "test artist";
    root.Lyrics3V2.Album = "test album";
    root.Lyrics3V2.Track = "test track";

    // You can add a fully custom field to the tag
    root.Lyrics3V2.Set(new LyricsField("ABC", "custom value"));

    // ...


See Also