
Cr2CameraSettingsIndex enumeration

Defines ids of Cr2CameraSettings tags.

public enum Cr2CameraSettingsIndex


Name Value Description
Unknown1 0 Unknown tag.
MacroMode 1 Indicates the MacroMode.
SelfTimer 2 Indicates the SelfTimer.
Quality 3 Indicates the Quality.
CanonFlashMode 4 Indicates the CanonFlashMode.
ContinuousDrive 5 Indicates the ContinuousDrive.
Unknown2 6 Unknown tag.
FocusMode 7 Indicates the FocusMode.
Unknown3 8 Unknown tag.
RecordMode 9 Indicates the RecordMode.
CanonImageSize 10 Indicates the CanonImageSize.
EasyMode 11 Indicates the EasyMode.
DigitalZoom 12 Indicates the DigitalZoom.
Contrast 13 Indicates the Contrast.
Saturation 14 Indicates the Saturation.
Sharpness 15 Indicates the Sharpness.
CameraIso 16 Indicates the CameraIso.
MeteringMode 17 Indicates the MeteringMode.
FocusRange 18 Indicates the FocusRange.
AFPoint 19 Indicates the AFPoint.
CanonExposureMode 20 Indicates the CanonExposureMode.
Unknown4 21 Unknown tag.
LensType 22 Indicates the LensType.
MaxFocalLength 23 Indicates the MaxFocalLength.
MinFocalLength 24 Indicates the MinFocalLength.
FocalUnits 25 Indicates the FocalUnits.
MaxAperture 26 Indicates the MaxAperture.
MinAperture 27 Indicates the MinAperture.
FlashActivity 28 Indicates the FlashActivity.
FlashBits 29 Indicates the FlashBits.
FocusContinuous 32 Indicates the FocusContinuous.
AESetting 33 Indicates the AESetting.
ImageStabilization 34 Indicates the ImageStabilization.
DisplayAperture 35 Indicates the DisplayAperture.
ZoomSourceWidth 36 Indicates the ZoomSourceWidth.
ZoomTargetWidth 37 Indicates the ZoomTargetWidth.
Unknown5 38 Unknown tag.
SpotMeteringMode 39 Indicates the SpotMeteringMode.
PhotoEffect 40 Indicates the PhotoEffect.
ManualFlashOutput 41 Indicates the ManualFlashOutput.
Unknown6 42 Unknown tag.
ColorTone 43 Indicates the ColorTone.
Unknown7 44 Unknown tag.
Unknown8 45 Unknown tag.
Unknown9 46 Unknown tag.
SRAWQuality 47 Indicates the SRAWQuality.
Unknown10 48 Unknown tag.
Unknown11 49 Unknown tag.
Unknown12 50 Unknown tag.

See Also